Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Free Essays on Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born on June 28, 1712 in Geneva, Switzerland. His mother died shortly after his birth. When Rousseau was 10 his father fled from Geneva to avoid imprisonment for a minor offense, leaving young Jean-Jacques to be raised by an aunt and uncle. Rousseau left Geneva at 16, wandering from place to place, finally moving to Paris in 1742. He earned his living during this period, working as everything from footman to assistant to an ambassador. Rousseau's profound insight can be found in almost every trace of modern philosophy today. Somewhat complicated and ambiguous, Rousseau's general philosophy tried to grasp an emotional and passionate side of man which he felt was left out of most previous philosophical thinking. In his early writing, Rousseau contended that man is essentially good, a "noble savage" when in the "state of nature" (the state of all the other animals, and the condition man was in before the creation of civilization and society), and that good people are made unhappy and corrupted by their experiences in society. He viewed society as "articficial" and "corrupt" and that the furthering of society results in the continuing unhappiness of man. Rousseau's essay, "Discourse on the Arts and Sciences" (1750), argued that the advancement of art and science had not been beneficial to mankind. He proposed that the progress of knowledge had made governments more powerful, and crushed individual liberty. He concluded that material progress had actually undermined the possibility of sincere friendship, replacing it with jealousy, fear and suspicion. One of the primary principles of Rousseau's political philosophy is that politics and morality should not be separated. When a state fails to act in a moral fashion, it ceases to function in the proper manner and ceases to exert genuine authority over the individual. The second important principle is freedom, which the stat... Free Essays on Jean-Jacques Rousseau Free Essays on Jean-Jacques Rousseau Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born on June 28, 1712 in Geneva, Switzerland. His mother died shortly after his birth. When Rousseau was 10 his father fled from Geneva to avoid imprisonment for a minor offense, leaving young Jean-Jacques to be raised by an aunt and uncle. Rousseau left Geneva at 16, wandering from place to place, finally moving to Paris in 1742. He earned his living during this period, working as everything from footman to assistant to an ambassador. Rousseau's profound insight can be found in almost every trace of modern philosophy today. Somewhat complicated and ambiguous, Rousseau's general philosophy tried to grasp an emotional and passionate side of man which he felt was left out of most previous philosophical thinking. In his early writing, Rousseau contended that man is essentially good, a "noble savage" when in the "state of nature" (the state of all the other animals, and the condition man was in before the creation of civilization and society), and that good people are made unhappy and corrupted by their experiences in society. He viewed society as "articficial" and "corrupt" and that the furthering of society results in the continuing unhappiness of man. Rousseau's essay, "Discourse on the Arts and Sciences" (1750), argued that the advancement of art and science had not been beneficial to mankind. He proposed that the progress of knowledge had made governments more powerful, and crushed individual liberty. He concluded that material progress had actually undermined the possibility of sincere friendship, replacing it with jealousy, fear and suspicion. One of the primary principles of Rousseau's political philosophy is that politics and morality should not be separated. When a state fails to act in a moral fashion, it ceases to function in the proper manner and ceases to exert genuine authority over the individual. The second important principle is freedom, which the stat...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan Started It All
'Feminine Mystique' by Betty Friedan 'Started It All' The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan, published in 1963, is often seen as the beginning of the women’s liberation movement. It is the most famous of Betty Friedan’s works, and it made her a household name. Feminists of the 1960s and 1970s would later say The Feminine Mystique was the book that â€Å"started it all.†What Is the Mystique? In The Feminine Mystique, Friedan explores the unhappiness of mid-20th century women, describing women’s unhappiness as â€Å"the problem that has no name.†Women felt this sense of depression because they were forced to be subservient to men financially, mentally, physically, and intellectually. The feminine â€Å"mystique†was the idealized image to which women tried to conform despite their lack of fulfillment. The Feminine Mystique explains that in post-World War II United States life, women were encouraged to be wives, mothers, and housewives- and only wives, mothers, and housewives. This, Friedan says, was a failed social experiment. Relegating women to the â€Å"perfect†housewife or happy homemaker prevented much success and happiness, among the women and, consequently, their families. Friedan writes in the first pages of her book that housewives were asking themselves, â€Å"Is that all?†Why Friedan Wrote the Book Friedan was inspired to write The Feminine Mystique when she attended her Smith College 15-year reunion in the late 1950s. She surveyed her classmates and learned that none of them was happy with the idealized housewife role. However, when she tried to publish the results of her study, women’s magazines refused. She continued working on the problem, the result of her extensive research being The Feminine Mystique in 1963. In addition to case studies of 1950s women, the book observes that women in the 1930s often had education and careers. It wasnt as if it had never occurred to women over the years to seek personal fulfillment. However, the 1950s were a time of regression: the average age at which women married dropped, and fewer women went to college. Post-war consumer culture spread the myth that fulfillment for women was found in the home, as a wife and mother. Friedan argues that women should develop themselves and their intellectual abilities and fulfill their potential rather than making a â€Å"choice†to be just a housewife. Lasting Effects of 'The Feminine Mystique' The Feminine Mystique became an international bestseller as it launched the second-wave feminist movement. It has sold more than a million copies and been translated into multiple languages. It is a key text in Women’s Studies and U.S. history classes. For years, Friedan toured the United States speaking about The Feminine Mystique and introducing audiences to her groundbreaking work and to feminism. Women have repeatedly described how they felt when reading the book: They saw that they were not alone, and that they could aspire to something more than the life they were being encouraged or even forced to lead. The idea Friedan expresses is that if women escaped the confines of â€Å"traditional†notions of femininity, they could then truly enjoy being women. Quotes from 'The Feminine Mystique' Here are some memorable passages from the book: â€Å"Over and over again, stories in womens magazines insist that women can know fulfillment only at the moment of giving birth to a child. They deny the years when she can no longer look forward to giving birth, even if she repeats the act over and over again. In the feminine mystique, there is no other way for a woman to dream of creation or of the future. There is no other way she can even dream about herself, except as her childrens mother, her husbands wife.† â€Å"The only way for a woman, as for a man, to find herself, to know herself as a person, is by creative work of her own.† â€Å"When one begins to think about it, America depends rather heavily on womens passive dependence, their femininity. Femininity, if one still wants to call it that, makes American women a target and a victim of the sexual sell.†The cadences of the Seneca Falls Declaration came straight from the Declaration of Independence: When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one portion of the family of man to assume among the people of the earth a position different from that they have hitherto occupied. . . . We hold these truths to be self-evident:that all men and women are created equal.â€
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Quality Management in Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Quality Management in Business - Assignment Example r organisation seeks to ensure that its product quality is preserved or enhanced and most vitally, its operational errors are eliminated towards the attainment of predetermined organisational targets (Jain, 2001). With this concern, the assignment aim at discussing about the various principles of quality management as applicable in the tourism business, providing adequate stress on its importance, advantages along with drawbacks and practical applications within modern tourism business organisations. The notion of quality management has gained immense importance within the tourism business sector of this modern day context. Such immense significance has been driven by certain critical factors that need to be considered in order to gain an in-depth understanding of quality management aspect in the contemporary tourism business context. These factors comprise prevalence of extreme business market competition and increased level of globalisation among others. Observably, several tourism businesses have taken into concern the aspect of quality management to enhance their ability of providing a vibrant business focus, enhancing overall efficiency, raising customer satisfaction level, developing communications and augmenting cash flow along with profits balancing its quantitative and qualitative organisational interests alongside. In the present day context, wherein the business market environment is incessantly transforming and the demands as well as the preferences of the consumers are immensely fluctuating, quality management helps tourism businesses to overcome these worsening situations by a certain extent. It would be vital to mention in this regard that the customers belonging to this modern day context are much concerned towards obtaining better quality of products and services; rather than considering prices of the same. In this similar context, businesses of modern tourism based organisations tend to focus more on quality management as an imperative aspect
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Critically discuss the view that anti-globalisation arguments Essay - 3
Critically discuss the view that anti-globalisation arguments seriously undervalue the benefits that globalisation has delivered for all countries 01153 - Essay Example However, issues such as the global financial crisis and unethical practices of GlaxoSmithKline are unintended effects of globalisation. These occurrences are all caused by unethical human practices and therefore they do not provide substantial evidence that questions the benefits provided by globalisation (Benyon and Dunkerley, 2000). Financial crisis was mainly triggered by an uncontrolled greed for profit of various businessmen who aided several unethical practices that includes accounts manipulation, complex product development and illicit trading. 6 Globalization indicates the opportunity of nationalistic and local perspectives towards a broader view of an interdependent and interconnected world with open transfer of goods, capital, and services athwart national frontiers. It defines the way people and countries interrelate and integrate (Mahajan, 2006). Globalization includes many sections and can be cultural, political, and economic. Political globalization is termed as how nations and institutions influence the entire world. Economic globalization is referred to how nations are coming collectively as one immense global economy. Cultural globalization is referred to how customs is becoming uniform, which implies that people across the world perform in a similar manner (Mott, 2004). Anti-globalization is defined as a movement to oppose the globalization’s trend and its unsafe effect, as well as to reorganize unbridled capitalism. The movement of anti-globalization places focus more on human decency and economic efficien cy versus profits and corporate competition at any price (Held and McGrew, 2007). This paper will examine how arguments of anti-globalization gravely undervalue the benefits that globalization has delivered for all countries. Some of the economists argue that globalization is considered as positive development because it will increase employment opportunities as well as develop new industries in the emerging countries.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Facebook wastes time Essay Example for Free
Facebook wastes time Essay I believe that facebook is bad. In this essay I will tell that Facebook wastes time, occupies the hosts mind and is not, no matter what people say is not the same as actual social interaction. Facebook is not my friend and neither should it be yours, My first reason why facebook is not my friend is because that it wastes everybody time. Now my argument is just armed at facebook, but also the people who make facebook games, Zynga is a major corporation that owns any and all good facebook is games. Facebook itself almost makes you check it, making you wonder what your friends are up to, the idea of a public diary almost, something that anybody can contribute to, a encyclopaedia of a persons life if you will. You could spend minuets, an hour maybe hours at a time just staring at a page when you could be doing something more important, maths homework perhaps? My second argument is that it occupies the hosts mind and doesn’t let anything else in. What I mean by this is that facebook is what some people always think about, they think how many likes they get, what people say about them through private messages and most importantly for some people, how many friends they have. There has been a term for people like these, facebook aholics, people that are always on facebook or worse, people who always think about facebook. There are times that I know that people lose their social life for a virtual life, people stop planning meetings and instead plan them on facebook, the days of not too long ago of RSVP’ing is no lost as almost every event is through facebook and that’s how people respond to them. Free thinking is gone, it is no more, everything on the internet is a reblog, a reblog of a reblog, and all of this is shared through facebook, people think what they are told, and they are told though facebook, nothing new nothi ng original. My last argument is that instant messaging through facebook is not the same as actual social interaction, face to face. The chat system on facebook is the most used one on facebook, pages, walls, games are all good and everything, but what really makes facebook great is the chat system on it, or so we think. There are 26 letters on the keyboard, 10 numbers, 13 symbols, and yet unbelievably this does not make the same level of interaction as talking to someone. When was the last time a person came up to you in the street, someone you know, and they said Heezzz howssss you doings if you can tell me a time of when that happened I would suggest finding some new friends. While people may express themselves differently from behind a computer screen I still find no excuse for people to talk likez thiss it makes them seem like an even bigger idiot then they are. People cloud their identity, pretend to be something or someone they arent, and that makes the entire socialisation, well pointless . Those are just some reasons you shouldnt use facebook, facebook is horrible, nobody should use it, it wastes time, fills your mind with nothing but junk and is far more unhealthy socially then going out and talking. Facebook is not my friend, neither is it yours, take a stand, unfriend facebook.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Distributed Software Development :: Outsourcing Careers Technology Essays
Distributed Software Development As new technologies emerge, they often eliminate certain types of jobs. History is littered with many such examples. The number of bank tellers dropped by about 37% between 1983 and 1993.1 The new technology responsible for eliminating those jobs was the ATM (Automatic Teller Machine). More recently, the wide popularity of buying books over the web has caused many book stores to close down. You may have noticed this in your own neighborhood. Since the Industrial Revolution, technology has been blamed for massive unemployment.2 However, more recently, in addition to technology eliminating certain jobs, technology is enabling the transferring (for valid reasons) of certain jobs from the USA and Europe to far away places like India. Software development is a benefactor (or victim, depending on the viewpoint) of this technology. The technologies that were developed by the US in the 1990s boom are facilitating distributed software development. These range from global high-speed networks, ever-cheaper computers, collaborative tools, satellite communication, and the web.3 Requirements documents and software tools no longer need to be snail mailed, rather they can be emailed to pretty much anywhere in the world. This phenomenon of having software developed in far off places such as India, has come to be known as outsourcing or offshoring. While their may be some small differences in these two terms, they are many times used interchangeably. Earlier, outsourcing referred to the practice of turning over noncritical parts of a business to a company that specialized in that activity.4 But now outsourcing affects a business' critical components as well. While jobs have moved over seas before, like Levi Strauss jobs, which is now completely manufactured overseas, software jobs are getting lots of attention because this seems to be the first time white-collar jobs are being affected.5 While outsourcing can be painful for some of the parties involved, I will s how that it is still an ethical practice. Outsourcing is predicted to affect a very large number of jobs in the future. In the US, about 14 million jobs (or 11%) are identified as being at risk of being sent abroad.6 While not all of these are software related, many of them are. The non-software jobs that are also at risk of being sent abroad are telephone call center, data entry, business and financial support, legal assistant, diagnostic support services, accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Similarities Between Fredrick Douglas And Abraham Lincoln History Essay
In my research paper the two parties Douglas and Lincoln has undergone a batch in footings of political differences foremost Douglas announced that his work was to contend against bondage both in united provinces and England while Lincoln on the other side could non desire to make away with bondage since he believes that it will rupture away the brotherhood in the government.douglas docket was to set up political system which will get rid of bondage in the brotherhood and bondage that should be within the fundamental law and he believe that affecting the local communities in political activities will be morbific and it might travel domestic force head while on the other side Lincoln admitted that the lone manner to populate is to keep work forces in bondage since bondage was their in the provinces. While labor coachs believe he will alter so much democracy party into abolitionist party Lincoln viewed that war was the worst scenario he will conceive of while Douglas princely wanted wh at Lincoln did non desire. Douglas was owned as the black leader and symbol of his age and he his ago mind which most of the Americans did non like. Douglas was respected as the male parent laminitis in August 10, 1863 relationship between Douglas and Lincoln starts to trap down after Douglas won the game. Now at this point Lincoln starts to alter and positions towards black has wholly and a black was invited to the white house and was respected so much. At this point Douglas respected Lincoln which was now a complete bend around from the populace which was announced through newspaper. Relationship between Fredrick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln. The impact between Fredrick and Douglas was based on bondage in USA which has caused both a self-taught fleeting slave.douglas has announced his work as a bondage in America but he proudly announced that both united provinces and England printing antislavery newspaper that nil will of all time halt him from contending against bondage. During elections of Abraham Lincoln for presidential term sparked a concatenation of several events which in one manner or another will do civil war. Lincoln was pushed towards a unequivocal immediate of policy Douglas for about four old ages. Relationship between Douglas and Lincoln was really announced by correspondence by usage of newspaper or public meetings and letters and subsequently they merely met during proclamation.Relationship between Douglas and Fredrick went down due to difference in policies and they had tenuous relationship. However their relationship starts to turn and they became profound when the worlds of war ended in America bondage which bound the two towards regard for the other. Douglas his docket was to set up political system which will get rid of bondage. Douglas focused much to stop bondage which he thought and said it is merely to utilize political leaders in the authorities and get rid ofing the bondage should be within the fundamental law. It was proved that if the local community and regional activities political relations will be morbific which was traveling really foremost in footings of political relations. Douglas subsequently realizes that if he gives a opportunity to the 3rd party he will hold a even no opportunity during the run because there political relations are based on antislavery. The formation of party in 1854 was proved now that it was the good to emancipationists. In the republic party there were some elements like autonomy party, free dirt party and other antislavery forces which were from democratic and Whig parties. With the combination of several parties the political entreaty t o Douglas that may be it was the best party to come in white house. Although it was the first to make up one's mind may be republic will give him a opportunity to come in. Douglas was in high fright that no president cognize how to stop bondage which he thought that it was merely by continuing peace and brotherhood in the nation.Mr. Lincoln admitted that the lone manner to populate is to keep work forces in bondage since it is bing in the provinces this was the beginning of rough unfavorable judgment and Douglas activist ‘s attitudes of Lincoln with the disposal. Douglas believes so much that he will turn the republic party into abolitionist party and Lincoln will be abolitionist president. Lincoln was elected to the office but Douglas remains while watching Lincoln in emancipate. Lincoln believe so much in bondage that will convey difference in parties which led to enduring from fatally equivocal attitude towards negro.Lincoln believe so much that if bondage will stop it will convey down sectional struggles and prevent warfare so harmonizing to Lincoln positions is that theirs no inquiry of bondage and it will go forth the public head rested with the class of ultimate extinction. He insisted that there is no point of universe where Black is non entitled to any enumerated in declaration of independency. Abraham took the office in 1861 and he knew the office need a batch of fix. Day by twenty-four hours there was a batch of debating refering the slave dealers issues in the whole state and at this minute Lincoln and Douglas had two different dockets. Lincoln needed president mission war to salvage brotherhood while Douglas need to liberate slaves and either manner to safe the citizens. Lincoln viewed that war was the worst scenario while Douglas exactly wanted what Lincoln did non desire regardless to what either two wanted the war did non come both Douglas and Fredric now both openly fought for their causes. Subsequently that twelvemonth, when the secretary of war barratry Cameroon build uping slaves within the boundary lines. Lincoln made him to halt the subdivision. Again Lincoln tried to avoid doing determinations refering bondage in may 1862, general David huntsman issued order to liberate all slaves in south military part. Which included south Carolina, Georgia and florida.In 1862 Lincoln announced announcement revoking general huntsman order and he declare that the authorities of stats does non hold cognition, information, belief, and the proceed which make Lincoln to experience so hard-pressed and from political signed a measure get rid ofing bondage in territory of Colombia, and in may he roll up with general Benjamin ‘s policy of contrabands of war which freed by grand 1000s of slaves run off to butler positon.Lincoln was a good leader who valued legality and he was a politician who moved merely when clip is right for him to make so..In 1862 it was important policies of Li ncoln disposal Lincoln started to acknowledge issues of emancipation and saving of brotherhood. Went manus in manus. Now agendas merge that s military and political starts moving towards abolishment. Douglas grew more hawkish with Lincoln disposal and kept to force them in way of emancipation. But Lincoln still stick to continuing brotherhood which was the major job Douglas pressed on to unfavorable judgment of Lincoln disposal ‘s inability to take powerful step against slavery..Douglas article announce boulder clay Lincoln announced of emancipation announcement.In September 1862, the article state us more of what expected from Lincoln was so impatient of public Douglas was still waiting for Lincoln to stop war of seting the slaves in danger. In September 1862 publication of Douglas monthly article the presidents addresss straight attack in Lincoln character increasing go throughing doing himself look silly and pathetic, unacceptable and his unlogical statement and unfair it farther claim yet to rally bravery and candidly plenty to obey and put to death his testimonies In the class of war Douglas see some old conservative policies which he try to get down to convey up the brotherhood back together.In 1863 Douglas attempt to appeal many sides of pandemonium in the state but unsuccefully Lincoln leave Douglas frustrated and now Lincoln would observe thought that he has play cards on Douglas. Thinks were non working good to convey state together so he had do his ain bold manner and move. During the summer of 1862, Lincoln had talk with the cabinet in private about fundamental law was believing it was the best idea to prorogue the proclamation of the Proclamation until the state was supported by military success. In august 10 1863 relationship between Douglas and Lincoln starts to trap down. Douglas went to Washington to run into Lincoln for the first clip. Lincoln behaviour towards Douglas revealed much about how he felt about him and positions towards black has changed wholly. Black adult male was of all time personally invited into white house with regard. As for the growing of Lincoln towards bondage issues on the juncture Douglas felt Lincoln showed a deeper moral strong beliefs towards bondage that had of all time seen before Douglas appreciated Lincoln for handling has equal has others at this minute Douglas respected Lincoln which was complete bend around from his blazing indignation expressed promotion through his newspapers. Douglas and Lincoln will run into on different ocasssions to discourse on issues of ex-slave and future in United States because to turn more profound. After emancipation of announcement, Lincoln still considers colonisation as variable option to cover with blac k presence. But Douglas, black hitch in military was the strongest sentiment and Confederacy and to be a portion of dignifying and soul enlarger war for black release. Douglas and Lincoln after proclamation of emancipation announcement which make Douglas to turn respect esteem of Lincoln deep regard for Lincoln is true stakes expressed in the old ages after his blackwash the 21st anniversy of Lincoln ‘s decease Douglas true feeling comes out our religion in him is frequently taxed and strained uttermost he subsequently declare that honouring his memory is of import because under his regulation at that place was Confederate provinces which is based upon the thoughts that the race must be slaves. Douglas understanding Lincoln awkwardness to cover with slavery issue was necessary cautiousness he put abolitionion of bondage before him a powerful category of America people and ended resistance.douglas and Lincoln had non yet met until summer of 1863 but their relationship was so good and order to understand how Douglas felt about the political clime and Lincoln emancipation was clear that war which brought the two parties together into political p olitical orientations and now which finally paved the manner for the two to be appreciated and appreciated each other in deep sense and good bosom. The merger of the two political political orientations is non merely to bespeak that work forces change greatly in footings of political but besides to demo the moral and bravery ‘s people and political political orientations merged because the two now have grown to esteem each other deeply Lincoln and Douglas were now in a place to get the better of all troubles they have been undergoing and misconception about the two spouses when Lincoln dies he left Douglas his most favourites walking staff as suspiration of profound appreciated and gratitude Douglas commented on Lincoln by altering a portrayal of him in his place Washington dc the relationship between the two has a milepost in American history that would positively act upon hereafter of race solutions. In the mode of Garry wills Lincoln at Gettysburg ( 1992 ) James a. colaico survey of Fredrick Douglas celebrated 1852 independency twenty-four hours address is far more than scrutiny of individual -hour speech.Calaico seeks for investigation and political societal thought of the most celebrated African emancipationist and political leader of the nineteenth century Douglas was the black leader and symbol of his age, but he was mind and many Americans ignored. Douglas lived more than any other given expressed quandary confronting African Americans they praise independency, fundamental law which calls for quality to all work forces. Douglas statement was hypocrisy to Americans who extolled the significance of July 4th while disregarding the bondage of black Americans.Douglas employed a normal independent to show lip service. In most of his addresss Douglas was a supplier of piercing review of bondage itself. Douglas was a Jeremiah who employ jeremiad as lineation by sacvan bercovitch, invariably naming Americans to abandon their iniquitous manner to carry thr ough Nobel ideals to declare he was the male parent laminitis. The statement that Douglas announced was to the Americans that they need merely to adhere to the ideals of America to accomplish the illustriousness inherent in the establishments. For the reader unversed in the history of abolishment motion, the regulation of William loud fort and conflicts between the moral suasion, and political emancipationists, co-lalacos monograph provides an first-class debut in a concise well-articulated manner the enhances the book without overpowering the cardinal narrative of Douglas ‘s thought about America colaiaco besides covers the key influenced Douglas ‘s thought and finally brought on the civil war in 1829, oration outlined adult males of the same statements Douglas used 20 three old ages subsequently. Douglas ‘s permanent accomplishments was to use those statements to build both a more profound compelling review of position and more realistic vision of station slaves America Both Douglas and Lincoln were born hapless. Douglas was brought up in his grandma slave hovels in Talbot County, Maryland and Lincoln was in one-room, cabin in Harding county, Kentucky.Both lost their female parents when they were really immature though labor coach lost his female parent when he was merely seven old ages old Douglas was separated from her female parent when he was infant. Lincoln lost his female parent due to imbibe toxicant in the toxic milk at the age of nine. Both were born in 1809 while Douglas was born in 1818.In footings of standing they have 6 inches taller than most common work forces in these yearss. Douglas was a slave under American jurisprudence but Lincoln was considered as a slave in the beginning of civil war addresss Douglas urged Lincoln in his public addresss and newspaper to let inkinesss their rights and to contend for freedom. Both work forces married adult females above their societal position and this likely helped them with their success. Doug las married his married woman Anna Murray on September 15, 1838 she was a free black adult female of some agencies five twelvemonth old married marry Todd on November 1842 she was a girls of affluent slare holder from Lexington, both work forces were gifted speechmakers in a twenty-four hours when talkers were regarded on much the manner that many regard athleticss or films stars today. Addresss were a signifier of amusement every bit good as instruction, Lincoln usage his gift for oratory to win elections and derive public supports of policies, both would keep several public offices through their lives. After run intoing senator Samuel promessors of Kansa, secretary of war Edwin Stanton, Douglass arrived at the soldier place when Lincoln was passing the summer. He gave his naming card to sternward and fix for long greeted Douglas by stating Mr, dougas I know you I have read about you Douglas impressed by the president ‘s fairness said I was ne'er in a ny manner reminded of low beginning or my unpopular colour. Douglas had many meeting with the president in his offices Douglas and Lincoln forged a friendly relationship that would last the remainder of Lincoln ‘s brief life upon ‘s Lincoln decease Douglas was implored to talk at a assemblage of grievers at the Rochester courthouse of his speech.In 1863 that was the clip inkinesss eventually won the right to military services. Fredrick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln met for the first clip in Washington District of Columbia trusting to run into president to seek for damages for the fundamental law. Lincoln ‘s male parent hired him out for manual labour to gain money for the household while Douglas was hired out for his maestro ‘s net income and ointments. They both had small instruction where Douglas began larning to read when he was sent to function huh auild in Baltimore. Auld married woman began to learn Douglas the merely attended 18 months o f formal schooling from itinerate instruction at frontier school. Both portion same basic reading accomplishments and they largely read Bibles. Decision In decision stuff both Douglas and Lincoln has nevertheless thought many how life his hard when the rich merely want go high twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. Both work forces are truly of self-respect in the other manner Lincoln did non ab initio set out to stop bondage but he merely meant to continue the brotherhood which he thought brotherhood without liberating the slaves would non make.And subsequently I came to recognize that In August 10 1863 relationship between Douglas and Lincoln starts to trap down. Douglas went to Washington to run into Lincoln for the first clip. Lincoln behaviour towards Douglas revealed much about how he felt about him and positions towards black has changed wholly. Black adult male was of all time personally invited into white house with regard. As for the growing of Lincoln towards bondage issues on the juncture Douglas felt Lincoln showed a deeper moral strong belief towards bondage that had of all time seen before Douglas appreciated Lincoln for handling has equal has others. Although both did non see each other oculus to oculus but both did non happen common land on some issues through common regard and civic argument. Most of import lessons that can Americans larn from these two great work forces was that they merely disagree without being disagreeable simple regard goes along manner and you ne'er now. I understand that both work forces Douglas and Lincoln were born hapless. Douglas was brought up in his grandma slave hovels in Talbot County, Maryland and Lincoln was in one-room, cabin in Harding County, Kentucky. Both lost their female parents when they were really immature though labor coach lost his female parent when he was merely seven old ages old Douglas was separated from her female parent when he was baby. Blight W. David, Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln: a relationship in linguistic communication, political relations, and memory, lectures, Marquette University Press, 2001 Blight W. David, Beyond the battleground: race, memory & A ; the American Civil War, University of Massachusetts Press, 2002Carson Clayborne, Emma Jones Lapsansky-Werner, Gary B. Nash, African American lives: the battle for freedom, African American Lifes: The Struggle for Freedom, Clayborne Carson, Pearson Longman, 2004 Marten A. James, More than a competition between ground forcess: essays on the Civil War epoch, Frank L. Klement Lecture Series, James Alan Marten, A. Kristen Foster, Kent State University Press, 2008 Benson W Thomas. Rhetoric and political civilization in nineteenth-century America Issue 6 of Rhetoric and public personal businesss series, Thomas W. Benson, Michigan State University Press, 1997.Shenk W.Joshua, Lincoln ‘s Melancholy: How Depression Challenged a President and Fueled His Greatness, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2006 Guyatt N, Providence and the innovation of the United States, Cambridge University Press, 2007 Finkelman P, Encyclopedia of African American history, 1619-1895: from the colonial period to the age of Frederick Douglass, Volume 2, Paul F, Oxford University Press, 2006 Civil War Society, Civil War: the magazine of the Civil War Society, Issues 66-74, Country Publishers, 1998 Douglass F, Douglass ‘ monthly, Volumes 4-5, Negro Universities Press, 1862 Thompson E.Julius, The Frederick Douglass encyclopaedia, James L. Conyers, Nancy J. Dawson, ABC-CLIO, 2010
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Colors Tv Report
Colors TV Channel – Study of Marketing Strategy Presented By: Group 2 Gourav Dokania – 10P078 Rahul Kaushal – 10P100 Saaransh Malani – 10P106 Shalabh Arora – 10P109 Shivi Goel -10P112 Tisa Annie Paul – 10P117 Vivek Mogili – 10P120 Contents Introduction:3 Television environment: a brief study4 Marketing environment:4 The Genesis – The Launch and its effects7 The Silver Lining10 MARKET ENTRY STRATEGIES OF COLORS (PRE-LAUNCH)10 PROMOTION STRATEGIES for the launch:12 Analysing Colors based on marketing framework15 SWOT Analysis:17 Marketing Mix:18 Analyzing consumer behavior and developing targeting strategies:19 ADVERTISING POLICIES21 AD rates and Sources of Revenues:22 DISTRIBUTION POLICIES OF COLORS23 Pricing Policy24 INTERNATIONAL FORAY24 Areas of concern:25 Introduction: As part of our second project in Marketing Planning course, we would like to present a comprehensive study regarding the Colors TV channel. As part of the study, we would like to cover the following points: 1. The marketing environment revolving around TV channels in general This is divided into three parts during the course of the report: †¢ Pre-liberalization environment The immediate post-liberalization phase †¢ The environment preceding the launch of Colors channel †¢ The present marketing environment 2. The consumer target segment and their behaviour during the above phases 3. The launch strategies followed by Colors TV 4. The analysis of Colors TV channel based on various marketing frameworks Below are the frameworks, we would like to base our study on: †¢ SWOT analysis †¢ 5 C’s framework 5. The product and marketing strategies followed by the channel 6. The segmentation, targeting and positioning strategies as applicable. The study and analysis is backed by an online survey 7. The pricing policies taking into account the revenue model and AD rates 8. The distribution policies followed by the channel 9. Recommendations and conclusions Television environment: a brief study We will start our study by briefly explaining what we mean by a marketing environment and will then proceed to study the marketing environment of TV channels as discussed in the phases above. We will specifically focus our study in Hindi General Entertainment Channels. Marketing environment: A marketing environment consists of actors and forces outside the organization that affect management’s ability to build and maintain relationships with target customers. Two kinds of classification can be made: †¢ Microenvironment: actors close to the companies that affect its ability to serve its customers. †¢ Macroenvironment: larger societal forces that affect the microenvironment. Two points are worth noting at this stage: †¢ Studying the environment allows marketers to take advantage of opportunities as well as to combat threats. †¢ Marketing intelligence and research are used to collect information about the environment. Doordarshan era: Indian small screen programming started majorly in the early 1980s. At that time there was only one national channel Doordarshan, which was government owned. By the late 1980s more and more people started to own television sets. Though there was a single channel, television programming had reached saturation. Hence the government opened up another channel which had part national programming and part regional. This channel was known as DD 2 later DD Metro. Both channels were broadcast terrestrially. Liberalization era: In 1992, the government liberated the industry by opening them up to cable television. Five new channels belonging to the Hong Kong-based STAR TV gave Indians a fresh breath of life. MTV, STAR Plus, Star Movies, BBC, Prime Sports and STAR Chinese Channel were the 5 channels. Zee TV was the first private owned Indian channel to broadcast over cable. A few years later CNN, Discovery Channel and National Geographic Channel made their foray into India. Star expanded its bouquet introducing STAR World, STAR Sports, ESPN, Channel V and STAR Gold. Regional channels flourished along with a multitude of Hindi channels and a few English channels. By 2001 HBO and History Channel were the other international channels to enter India. By 1999–2003, other international channels such as Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, VH1, Disney and Toon Disney came into foray. In 2003 news channels started to boom. The most recent channels that have come up are UTV Movies, UTV Bindass, Zoom, Colours, 9X and 9XM. The growth post-liberalization: Starting with 41 sets in 1962 and one channel, by 1991 TV in India covered more than 70 million homes giving a viewing population of more than 400 million individuals through more than 100 channels. As per the TAM Annual Universe Update – 2010, India now has over 134 million households (out of 223 million) with television sets, of which over 103 million have access to Cable TV or Satellite TV, including 20 million households are DTH subscribers. In Urban India, 85% of all households have a TV and over 70% of all households have access to Satellite, Cable or DTH services. TV owning households have been growing at between 8-10%, while growth in Satellite/Cable homes exceeded 15% and DTH subscribers grew 28% over 2009. It is also estimated that India now has over 500 TV channels covering all the main languages spoken in the nation. A cursory glance at the TV offerings show the kind of diversity that Indian society has –channels for not just different languages, but also serving different niches within the broad umbrella of entertainment, spirituality, news, music & movies. The volatile tastes of India’s TV audience leads to ratings volatility and viewership fragmentation which can put pressure on ad rates, as ad volumes and rates are unlikely to move up simultaneously. Rising ad volumes will dent ad rates; hence, incumbents could see slower top-line growth. In addition we have analyzed the following factors – 1) Lack of entry barriers bringing new competition The pace at which channels are being launched is alarming and indicates the lack of significant entry barriers in television, compared to the stickiness of other media, such as print, where persuading readers to switch to another paper is not as easy as flipping channels. General entertainment channels command a 40% share of the total advertisement pie and have an estimated ad market size of US$1bn and have seen an increase in serious competition over the past few quarters, driven by new launches from entities funded by private equity investors and international media conglomerates 2) Building scale is critical, but could dent earnings momentum The entire broadcast sector wants to expand, as only companies with well-diversified exposure, a broad range of channels and control of strategic assets are well-positioned to fend off competition. This also ensures that advertisers are offered a spectrum of media choices, leading to growth through higher addressable ad volumes and reduced sensitivity to ad rates. This comes at a cost; however, as earnings performance deteriorates during the transition phase, when expansion TV18 is diversifying into unrelated assets, which could lead to significant losses in the initial phase due to lack of immediate synergies and the learning curve, required for reaching breakeven point. 3) Deviation in ad revenues as per the market conditions Research suggests a slowdown in economy directly affects the ad revenues being generated. While a worsening competitive environment, lower liquidity in financial markets and high interest rates can lead to a tough operating environment for broadcasters, we believe that strong market growth and pay revenue streams will ensure their survival of these channels in the near term. 4) Expect acceleration in organized pay revenues Expert estimate India’s organized subscriber base to expand at a 36% CAGR over the next three years, while the unorganized subscription pie is expected to witness a sharp contraction (-7% CAGR) due to ongoing efforts to switch customers onto the organized network. Subscription revenues directly add to profitability and should help broadcasters balance out margins pressure from competition and rising costs. The Genesis – The Launch and its effects Alliance formation between Network 18 Group and Viacom Inc. In May of 2007, the Network 18 Group and Viacom Inc, a New York-based global entertainment content company announced the creation of a 50:50 joint venture operation in India called Viacom 18. The strategic alliance includes television, film and digital media content across numerous brands to build India’s leading multi-platform entertainment company. Launch of Colors TV Channel In-spite of the tough competition and neither partner having any experience in operating a Hindi-language entertainment channel, Studio18, a new-age motion picture brand that produces, acquires and distributes Hindi films launched the Hindi General Entertainment Channel – COLORS on 21st June, 2008. Face Off Against a Decade Long Legacy of Star TV Colors TV Channel was the eleventh entrant into a market space that was already over-crowded and extremely competitive. Not only that, the battle for leadership in this market, which happened to be the Hindi general entertainment genre, the biggest segment in terms of both the viewership share as well as advertising revenue potential, on television had already been fought and won. The Hindi GEC space was dominated by Star plus, Zee and Sony. According to television audience measurement agency TAM Media research, four weeks prior to the launch of the channel, that is in June 2008, Star Plus was the clear leader with 351 GRPs, followed by Zee TV with 226 GRPs and Sony at number three with 102 GRPs. Intense Rivalry for the Second Spot Those at the middle and the bottom rung were not in a comfortable zone either. The other close rivals, Zee TV and Sony Entertainment Television, had been fighting tooth and nail to claim the number two slot but none could hold it for too long. Other New Entrants had Failed Most importantly, the industry response to some new entrants such as 9X and NDTV Imagine had not been too encouraging. And surprisingly, all other channels preceding and succeeding Colors had performed dismally. Colors’ immediate predecessor NDTV Imagine was far from breaking into the top three exclusive club and other new entrants such as 9X and Real, launched by Alva Brothers, of Miditech fame (the television content production company behind popular shows such as Roadies) and Turner International were struggling to keep themselves going. Colors TV Channel exceeded the general expectation setting new records Taking the above factors into account, Colors’ entry in this scenario did not seem like a sound business decision to most in the industry. Most industry watchers wrote it off even before they switched it on. The viewership ratings post-launch: [pic][pic] The viewership ratings after one year of launch [pic] [pic] ? Colors showed the maximum increase in viewership in the seven months preceding its launch. Its launch had expanded the GEC pie by 37%, maximum of which was taken by Colors as seen by the table below: [pic] ? Within 10 weeks Colors managed to gain more than 100 advertisers. The awareness transcended into unprecedented loyalty [pic] The Silver Lining In the past, it has taken a channel six to nine years to break even. Colors, according to the industry watchers, will be breaking even by end of 2010. MARKET ENTRY STRATEGIES OF COLORS (PRE-LAUNCH) 1) Colors – Jasbaat Ke Rang COLORS' is a positioned as a blend of 'emotions' and ‘variety', COLORS promises to offer an entire spectrum of emotions to the viewers that is well captured in its tagline – ‘Jasbaat Ke Rang'. The vibrant colours and leaf design used in the logo brought a new fresh perspective along with. 2) Use of existing network of Network 18 to market Colors Viacom 18 left no stone unturned to market Colors either. For a start, it made a smart use of Network 18’s news channels to cross promote the entertainment channel. 3) Not popularizing fiction shows before the launch To avoid confusing the viewer, it also cleverly pushed only its high-wattage show, and Akshay Kumar. In contrast, 9x advertised all its fiction shows during its launch. Akshay Kumar actually worked almost like a brand ambassador for Colors without the channel really having to rope him in that role. The star’s face helped the channel cut through the clutter. ) Deploying the falling popularity of K serials They also benefited from Star Plus’ own lethargy towards taking quick action against the falling popularity of its K-serials (the family soaps produced by content production house Balaji Telefilms. Since the titles of most shows produced by the company began with letter, K, they were referred to as K-serials) 5) Offering of differentiated TV programs The iron was hot to be stroked. While the popularity of s aas-bahu serials had been falling, Colors came out with a fresh and diversified mix. At one hand was Indian version of Fear Factor hosted by Akshay Kumar and at the other hand was Balika Vadhu based on the female oppression in India. Then, mythological serials, coming after a huge break greatly attracted the viewers. Mothers who were hooked on the Saas-bahu serials started switching channels during the break to check on what stunts the ravishing girls were doing on a particular episode of Khatron Ke Khiladi. The tendency to sneak into Colors Channel gradually developed into a habit for these folks and soon most of them were hooked on to Colors for their daily dose of entertainment in the evening. ) Roping in celebrities like Akshay Kumar To be sure, every aspect of Colors’ launch, be it the distribution, marketing or content had been well thought through. The channel started with only four hours of original programming but it got a competent viewership driver in the form of Khatron Ke Khiladi (KKK), which was hosted by Bollywood hottie Akshay Kumar. Akshay Kum ar was at his prime at that time. Bringing him to the small screen was sure to bring in eyeballs. It was, therefore, a good programming strategy. 7) Different days and timing of airing the programs The reality show Fear Factor was actually aired in Weekdays. Colors’ content head Ashwini Yarde, formerly at Zee, says the channel took a major risk in introducing an action-packed, male-skewed reality show with Akshay Kumar (and 13 daring pretty young things) on weekdays between 10 and 11 pm. It experimented with reality on week days against the popular trend of airing such shows during weekends. Also, it went against the tide as the 10-11 pm slot was historically oriented towards women-centric serials such as Kahani Ghar Ghar Ki and Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi. The shows in 7-10 pm band were targeted at kids and non-metros and then at 10pm, they had Fear Factor, which was targeted mainly at metro audience PROMOTION STRATEGIES for the launch: The launch of Colors has seen the most innovative and all-medium encompassing strategy, yet to be seen in this competitive and cluttered space. 1) Tie up with Mumbai Dabbawalas The team also tied up with the famous 250,000 dabbawallahs of Mumbai to plaster the channel’s and its various shows’ logos and snapshots on the tiffin boxes that are distributed among people across the city. 2) Tie up with Barista Lavazza They launched Khatron Ke Khiladi limited edition coffee in association retail chain Barista Lavazza. It was for the first time, a television channel had done such exciting campaigns for itself. 3) Public Relations It was the massive public relations exercise that put Colors on the GEC map. The channel focused sharply on editorial support and ensured that it generated enough reports on the channel. For Bigg Boss, we picked newsmakers and the single-line brief was how these people should be able to move the coverage of Colors from the entertainment pages to the front pages of newspapers ) Real time viewer involvement In a bid to attract and retain viewer interest, GECs are increasingly letting viewers get more and more involved with their various offerings – from selecting the name of a show to deciding on the lead protagonist after a leap in time. Colors’ show ‘Balika Vadhu’ is set to take a time leap and the channel is letting the viewers decide on which of the three actresses shown should become the grown up Anandi, one of television’s most popular characters. Viewers can vote for the new Anandi via SMS. 5) Healthy replacements of programs When KKK went off air after 16 weeks, it was replaced by Bigg Boss, the â€Å"highly-controversial†(by design, say media experts) show hosted by Shilpa Shetty, which is averaging a healthy TVR of 2. 8. 6) Live Hoardings Live hoarding in 20 cities were run for three days to promote another big-ticket show Bigg Boss. 7) Planning to enter merchandising At present, advertising and subscription are the two main sources of revenue for the channel, but the team is contemplating an entry into the merchandising space within the next one year. ) To begin with, it has used all media such as TV, radio, print, websites, mobiles, movie theaters and outdoor for promoting the channel. It has placed 1300 hoardings and launched road shows across the country. 9) For a more concentrated campaign, 3000 taxis in Mumbai and 2000 auto rickshaws in small towns along with local trains and school buses have been painted with Colors brand. 10) Along with this 65000 ad spots are booked on TV while 15 million SMS have been send across all telecom operators. 11) At Big Bazaar stores, helpers and counter-guys are wearing Colors T-shirts and giving out information about the channel. 2) In McDonald’s, the Colors brand is present on the menu while Fear Factor Khataron Ke Khiladi merchandise is available at Pantaloons and McDonalds. 13) For program specific advertising, Colors has tied up with ISKCON for promoting its mythological show Jai Sri Krishna at all ISKCON temples. Also, 1000 temples across Hindi speaking states are being used to promote the show by putting banners on banner stalls and giving Krishna merchandise, literature and calendars. 14) For the show Mohe Rang De, Colors has chosen Punjab and Delhi to organise street plays as these plays were the maximum witness to freedom struggle. We can summarise the communication strategies based on the the 6 M’s Model of communication: Market General Public MissionTo generate Curiosity about the channel & shows MessageWatch Colors Media TV, Newspapers, Hoardings, Dabbawalas, SMS MoneySpent more than Rs. 50 crore on initial promotion Measurement Initial viewership The marketing and communication strategies seemed to be quite aggressive and innovative but ultimately it was the programming quality and show placement which established its positioning in the Indian television space. Analysing Colors based on marketing framework In this section, we would be looking after the strategizing, segmentation, targeting, positioning of Colors based on established marketing frameworks: 5 C’s of marketing: Collaborators: †¢ Colors channel is a joint venture operation in India between Viacom Inc. and Network18 Group. †¢ Colors, earlier a free to air (FTA) channel, has recently gone pay. †¢ Paid 5-10 % more than the others on cable distribution so that Colors sat between the prime channels †¢ MSM Discovery Private Limited (â€Å"MSMD†) is the designated agent to distribute Colors in India as part of the coveted â€Å"TheOneAlliance†(â€Å"TOA†) bouquet. †¢ IPL ties up with Colors Competitors: †¢ Major competitors: Star Plus, Zee and Sony †¢ Power in the hands of the cable operator †¢ Pay carriage fee to view a channel Company: †¢ Product lines : fiction, mythology, reality †¢ Image in the market: entered as a challenger, now leader †¢ Skills: innovative content, disruptive scheduling †¢ Goal: to be a profitable market leader Customers: †¢ Created thought provoking subject-based shows like Balika Vadhu, Uttaran and Na Ana Is Des Laado †¢ Reality shows with a difference like Khatron Ke Khiladi, Big Boss and now the latest BINGO †¢ Gives the viewers an expanded choice Scientific scheduling for eg: Balika Vadhu (multiple entry points) Context: †¢ Political issues: notice was sent to Colors Channel for allegedly portraying the character of a district magistrate in negative light in the serial. †¢ Social Issues: shocking scenes of a girl child being immersed in a big bowl of milk , created a social outburs t †¢ Extra working hours of the children SWOT Analysis: Strengths †¢ Shows from all walks of life †¢ A fresh outlook on everything New themes and Ideas Weakness †¢ Strong competitors †¢ A new channel with teething problems †¢ Trying to capture an already captivated part of audience Opportunity A lot of untapped market †¢ A new generation with different taste in TV †¢ Brand Loyalty in Indians Threats †¢ Failure †¢ Immediate acceptance †¢ Difficulty in looking for new grounds †¢ Copy Cats Marketing Mix: Product †¢ Innovative Daily soaps touching altogether different emotional buds of women viewers Price †¢ Prices offered to advertisers were very attractive as the channel got more than 100 advertisers within 2 months of its launch Place †¢ Viacom18 is said to have given away Rs 100 crore as carriage fee for a year to get the best band for its channel Promotion Innovative promotion Analyzing consumer behavior and developing targeting strategies: The TV consumer of today, unlike that of the Doordarshan era is exposed to various programs and content formats. With profusion of interactive social media, all kinds of TV shows, movies, user generated content, nation and culture specific content is available at a click. Again with increasing march towards a global economy, retail boom in the form of super markets, increasing foray of global brands and culture, the young consumer of today is vastly different from the old. They are more demanding, time-pressed, seek instant gratification and look for fresh content. IPTV is the future of TV industry. At the same time, any GEC cannot ignore the women-centric content and in a nation of diversity and high religious sensibilities, mythological content too is needed. We try to understand these and various other factors to understand the consumer behavior central to Colors in particular and Hindi GEC in general. TARGETING †¢ Identification of markets with unfulfilled needs and trying to tap them. Some examples include socially sensitive issues, mythology & saas-bahu serials with a difference †¢ Discovering segments on the basis of consumer characteristics and ascertaining their potential. Colors has very aptly identified the difference between ‘Bharat’ and ‘India’ and designed contents to appeal to both. †¢ Differentiating product offering from competitors – Colors has successfully offered and marketed differentiated content with intelligent scheduling. Also they have been very quick in striking deals with latest Bollywood movies. We will look at the differentiation strategy in detail in the following sections. Creating a distinctive positioning in the minds of consumers – A mixture of both program content and promotional strategies has really situated the brand as one appealing to both youth and the family and created an image of one with the freshest perspective. SEGMENTATION The various parameters on which the market can be segmented is : Age †¢ 15-24 years – They are the key viewers especially in single family households. Reality and youth shows have really appealed to this section. †¢ Lady of the house – She is attracted to fiction and afternoon slots are designed keeping their tastes in mind Urban/Rural Target Bharat – The target is skewed towards smaller towns with 7-9 pm slots. †¢ India – Metro-centric focus in slots of 9-10 pm. Product Offerings: Having the segment and their behavior in mind, let us look at the major product offerings clubbed under three heads: †¢ Fiction: eg. Balika Vadhu,Uttaran, Na aana iss des laado †¢ Reality shows: eg. Khatron ke Khiladi, Big boss, National Bingo night †¢ Mythology: Jai shri Krishna, Mahavir hanuman Differentiation: The following table list some factors which has helped Colors differentiate itself from the other GECs | Other channels |Colors | |Started with regular fiction shows |Yes |No | |Starte d with 2 reality shows with a bang |No |Yes | |Promoted only 1 show on launch |No |Yes (KKK) | |Brand Ambassador |Mostly No |Yes | |Started socially sensitive shows |No |Yes | |Reality shows on weekends |Yes |No | Positioning: Positioning is how the brand is situated in the perceptual space of the consumer. So it is their perception which is of paramount importance here and not the intended position. So to understand the positioning it was essential that we go to the consumers. We floated an online survey to understand the perception consumers have of various Hindi GECs across various parameters. But still to get the other perspective we list below some intended positioning factors driving Colors: ? Colors. An arbitrary name at first glance, this is a self-descriptive. The use of the plural form itself distinguishes itself as a general entertainment channel – one which caters to multiple audiences. This is further emphasized by its tagline ‘Jasbaat Ke Rang’ (The colours of emotion) – which promises the shows that will target the entire spectrum of viewers. ? The logo also provides some intended positioning insights. In every society yellow is associated with the sun – and hence optimism, warmth and happiness. Pink is youthful, fun and exciting. Purple, a mix of the passionate red and tranquil blue, evokes mystery, spirituality and sentimentality. The leaf motif, is a connection to earth and a acknowledgment of roots and natural origin. The Viacom 18 rejoinder at the bottom of the logo indicates an effort by the promoters to promote the parent brand (something they have not done with their other offerings: MTV, Nick and VH1). Usually the name of such an established parent adds to the credibility of the offering and in this case also reflects the aggression and pace with which the brand plans to march ahead. ? The tagline of the channel is ‘Jasbaat Ke Rang’ signifying the universal appeal of its programmes. ADVERTISING POLICIES After the product, its promotion and even the distribution has been put in place, comes the question of earning the bread and butter. In India, more than 80% of most television channels’ revenues come from advertising. Colors TV Channel was launched at a time when global economic downturn had already set in and it had begun to impact the Indian market as well. †¢ Advertisers had begun holding their purse strings tight. Yet, within weeks of its launch, the channel had most premium advertisers on board. †¢ One thing that the team at Colors responsible for raising advertising was clear about was: It would not sell its ad slots cheap even if it meant, not getting any advertising. †¢ To sell advertising inventory in the kind of market that C olors stepped in wasn’t easy. There were rivals who were ready to cut their rates to wean away advertisers and the economic scenario also wasn’t too encouraging. They had done their home work before they stepped into the market. They did a lot of number crunching, decided on some rates and held on to them. Demanding premium rates may have been rendered easier by the good work done by the channel’s content creation team. They actually went in with lower inventories and did not sign the deals till they got their price. AD rates and Sources of Revenues: In general, the AD rates for various TV News channels range from Rs 2,500 to Rs. 8,000 and for the popular shows on GECs like Star, Zee, Sony the range will be from 1. 5 to 3 lakhs. These rates are for a ten second slot and they vary too as per the volume, duration, past records of the media buying agencies and advertisers. But as we have seen in the discussion above, Colors so far has successfully commanded premium rates. †¢ Brands such as Garnier Men Deodorant, Vodafone, Micromax Mobiles, Tic Tac (from Italy's Ferrero Group) and Sony Bravia are riding on Khatron Ke Khiladi (KKK3)–a stunt reality show. †¢ Title sponsorship for high-decibel celebrity shows–such as Bigg Boss to be anchored by Salman Khan on Colors fetch '15-20 crore. †¢ Associate sponsorships for such shows are kept at 7-8 crore †¢ Celebrity backed reality shows command higher rates than soaps †¢ On average, a 10-second ad spot on a top-rated reality show sold for between Rs 2 lakh and Rs 3 lakh compared with the Rs 1-1. lakh a spot of similar length that's sold for a TV soap †¢ Another revenue earning mode in reality TV this year was in-branding of products in the shows. Networks usually charge a 200-300 per cent premium above regular advertising rates for product placements in reality shows. On offer are: passive product shots (with no interaction with the brand); an active placement (with limited interaction or activity around the brand); or a hyperactive placement (an aggressive use of product) in the show. Charges 5 to 10 lakhs DISTRIBUTION POLICIES OF COLORS As per a Delhi-based cable operator, â€Å"Distribution, in fact, is the most crucial element to the success of a television channel in today’s time,†says. A channel may have the best of content and it may burn a huge amount of money in promoting it, but if the channel doesn’t reach viewers, which means if the distribution is not in place, all these efforts will yield a naught. †Colors TV Channel has handled the distribution conundrum very well. Using its sharp distribution plan, Colors reached 36. 4 million viewers in its launch week. By end of 2009, Colors claims to have the maximum reach with 72. 5 million viewers in the GEC space . Promotional policies followed by Colors on its l aunch: †¢ It was an encrypted pay channel with a free-to-air window for first six months †¢ This was done to allow its viewers to sample it and be noticed Colors also distributed its channel by itself as gives them more flexibility in their operations. †¢ They planned to be seen in over 50 per cent of the cable homes from day one †¢ They were also to be present across the existing and the new direct-to-home (DTH) platforms. †¢ It was also encrypted on BizAsia. co. uk and hence increased its penetration throughout the world †¢ It is also available on Sky Digital channel 829. The channel in the UK and USA is being endorsed by Bollywood legend, Amitabh Bachchan. †¢ Viacom’s distribution strategy can be held to be 99 per cent responsible for the success of Colors. †¢ Colors have given away Rs 100 crore as carriage fee for a year to get the best band for its channel. Its budget was clearly much higher than the Rs 40-60 crore that NDTV Imagine and 9x reportedly invested in distribution. †¢ On 1st April, 2009, Colors’ became a paid channel, and its viewership fell. It lost market share from 298 GRPs to 292 but overall with a sustained rise in its share, it managed to beat Star Plus in the week ended 11 April, 2009 Pricing Policy 1. Colors charge around Rs21 each, excluding 10% service tax and it paid a hefty carriage fee of more than Rs90 crore to distributors when it was launched INTERNATIONAL FORAY †¢ On 21 January 2010, Colors became available on Dish Network in the US, where it is called Aapka Colors (Respectfully your Colors) because of a clash with Colours TV. Amitabh Bachchan served as brand ambassador for the UK and USA launches. †¢ Colors launched in the United Kingdom and Ireland on Sky on 25 January 2010. On 9 December 2009, INX Media confirmed that Colors had bought 9XM's Sky EPG slot on channel 829 and on 5 January 2010, Colors secured a deal to join the VIEWASIA subscription package. EPG tests began on 4 January 2010 using the 9XM stream, followed by Colors' own video and audio on 8 January. Initially the channel was available free-to-air and then subsequently was added to the VIEWASIA package on 19 April 2010. FIRST IN INTERNET TELEVISION †¢ â€Å"Colors†is the first ever global launch of an entertainment channel on IPTV. With colors, Viacom 18 has made its foray into the IPTV sector which will certainly be one of the biggest distribution mediums, with worldwide reach, in the near future. †¢ The launch has been made possible by a partnership between Viacom 18 and The New Media Group which owns â€Å"World-On- demand†IPTV platform. According to Sanjev Hiremath, Sr. Vice President, Network Development, and Viacom 18 Media Pvt. Ltd. Areas of concern: Despite the positive hype and sustained interest in its offerings, the reach of Colors in India is almost as wide as that of its competitors. Falling viewership shares 443 GRPs! That’s a number you usually associate with a channel that airs a cricketing extravaganza like the ‘Indian Premier League’ or the cricket world cup. However, this staggering number belongs to Star Plus that has extended its supremacy over other channels. Colors stands a distant second with 271 GRPS, followed by Zee TV (231) and Sony (125), according to the TAM data week 25 (June 13-19). [pic]Buzz up! Buzz up! The 443 GRPs is the highest by a Hindi GEC in the last 159 weeks. The previous record was held by the same channel too. The path ahead: 1. Maintain/increase market share 2. Continue with innovative content 3. Collaborate with diverse content providers from other countries to design and introduce new format shows and serials. 4. Exclusive screening of tele- films, short films at a particular slot to cater to a niche audience
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Dating
Dating today differs greatly compared to dating say sixty or even eighty years ago. Dating trends today, such as cohabitation, would be considered insanity or chaos if these patterns were displayed in the 1920’s. Today the majority of persons who date are seeking the outcome of a marriage (although research does not agree with this). Eighty years ago, people dated for fun, pleasure, and recreation (Schwartz 116), and only â€Å"popular†people dated (Waller 1937), dating was a rarity, and limited to people in their late teen years or early adulthood. However, today it is quite different from eighty years ago with respect to the purpose of dating, and trends. Dating starts at earlier ages such as 13, and everyone dates, regardless of social standings. What we are going to be looking at is the patterns of dating among heterosexual college students (or non-students) ages eighteen to twenty-four, and how these trends differ from previous dating trends. The research question s as are based on geographical location, ethnicity and race, age, sex, and touches on religion. The geographical location is listed because we are in southern California. This region of the Untied States is full of the most races, including African-American, Asian, Hispanic, South American, Caucasian and many more. This will also ensures that we get a full random sample. The age is there to ensure that we are covering the college age groups, ages eighteen to twenty-four. Sex of course pretty much limits us to male and female. Religion will be mentioned, but is not a major concern as far as the research goes. There will be six major issues discussed. These issues will include: the frequency of dating; how many times one dates a month and how many dating partners one has had overall. How far the first date goes; kissing on the first date, oral sex on the first date, and intercourse on the first date, if not on the first date, how long would it take. Why we date and the out... Free Essays on Dating Free Essays on Dating Dating today differs greatly compared to dating say sixty or even eighty years ago. Dating trends today, such as cohabitation, would be considered insanity or chaos if these patterns were displayed in the 1920’s. Today the majority of persons who date are seeking the outcome of a marriage (although research does not agree with this). Eighty years ago, people dated for fun, pleasure, and recreation (Schwartz 116), and only â€Å"popular†people dated (Waller 1937), dating was a rarity, and limited to people in their late teen years or early adulthood. However, today it is quite different from eighty years ago with respect to the purpose of dating, and trends. Dating starts at earlier ages such as 13, and everyone dates, regardless of social standings. What we are going to be looking at is the patterns of dating among heterosexual college students (or non-students) ages eighteen to twenty-four, and how these trends differ from previous dating trends. The research question s as are based on geographical location, ethnicity and race, age, sex, and touches on religion. The geographical location is listed because we are in southern California. This region of the Untied States is full of the most races, including African-American, Asian, Hispanic, South American, Caucasian and many more. This will also ensures that we get a full random sample. The age is there to ensure that we are covering the college age groups, ages eighteen to twenty-four. Sex of course pretty much limits us to male and female. Religion will be mentioned, but is not a major concern as far as the research goes. There will be six major issues discussed. These issues will include: the frequency of dating; how many times one dates a month and how many dating partners one has had overall. How far the first date goes; kissing on the first date, oral sex on the first date, and intercourse on the first date, if not on the first date, how long would it take. Why we date and the out...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Minor v. Happersett - Womens Voting Rights Denied
Minor v. Happersett - Women's Voting Rights Denied On October 15, 1872, Virginia Minor applied to register to vote in Missouri. The registrar, Reese Happersett, turned down the application, because the Missouri state constitution read: Every male citizen of the United States shall be entitled to vote. Mrs. Minor sued in Missouri state court, claiming her rights were violated on the basis of the Fourteenth Amendment. Text of Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments After Minor lost the suit in that court, she appealed to the state Supreme Court. When the Missouri Supreme Court agreed with the registrar, Minor brought the case to the United States Supreme Court. Fast Facts: Minor v. Happersett Case Argued: Feb. 9, 1875Decision Issued: March 29, 1875Petitioner: Virginia Minor, a female U.S. citizen and resident of the state of MissouriRespondent: Reese Happersett, St. Louis County, Missouri, registrar of votersKey Questions: Under the 14th Amendments Equal Protection Clause, and the 15th Amendments assurance that voting rights must not be denied or abridged ... on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, did women have the right to vote?Majority Decision: Justices Clifford, Swayne, Miller, Davis, Field, Strong, Bradley, Hunt, WaiteDissenting: NoneRuling: The Court ruled that the Constitution did not grant anyone, specifically female citizens of the U.S., the right to vote. The Supreme Court Decides The US Supreme Court, in an 1874 unanimous opinion written by the chief justice, found: women are citizens of the United States, and were even before the Fourteenth Amendment passedthe right of suffrage the right to vote is not a necessary privilege and immunity to which all citizens are entitledthe Fourteenth Amendment did not add the right of suffrage to citizenship privilegesthe Fifteenth Amendment was required to be sure voting rights were not denied or abridged ... on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude in other words, the amendment was not necessary if citizenship conferred voting rightswomens suffrage was explicitly excluded in nearly every state either in the constitution or in its legal code; no state had been excluded from joining the Union for lack of womens voting rights, including states re-entering the Union after the Civil War, with newly written constitutionsthe US had made no objection when New Jersey explicitly withdrew womens suffrage rights in 1807arguments about the need for womens suffrage were irrelevant to their decision s Thus, Minor v. Happersett reaffirmed the exclusion of women from voting rights. The Nineteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, in granting suffrage rights to women, overrode this decision. Related Reading Linda K. Kerber. No Constitutional Right to Be Ladies. Women and the Obligations of Citizenship. 1998
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Principle of Mental Health Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Principle of Mental Health Nursing - Essay Example Fluctuations ranged from elation or sadness and are influenced by a number of biological, medical or social factors including work, family, and social responsibilities. People normally behave this way; however, when mood fluctuations become chronic and overwhelming that it already affects the activities of daily living, this becomes a clinical disorder. This is the case that happened to Simon Smith, a 49-year-old married man who was diagnosed with clinical depression five months ago after experiencing a number of unfortunate life events over the last eight months. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2012), clinical depression or simply depression refers to a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration which can become chronic or recurrent and lead to substantial impairments in an individual's ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities (n.p.). Clinical depression is apart from temporary feelings of sadness, confused thinking, and somatic complaints. General practitioners, nurses, and other members of the health care team play a crucial role in the early recognition and treatment of Mr. Smith’s clinical depression using the appropriate assessment tools and interventions that is client-centered and based on the current evidences. Initial Assessment To identify the triggering factors that cause imbalances in the mental state of Mr. Smith and to identify the diagnosis and severity of depression, a psychiatric mental health nurse should conduct a comprehensive psychiatric/psychosocial assessment. Psychosocial assessment includes getting the patient history and evaluation of patient’s mental and emotional status (Varcarolis, 2011, p. 5). It also includes assessment of the triggering factors that led Mr. Smith to develop clinical depression. Triggering factors of depression are neg ative events or situations which play a vital role in the initial and persistent development of depression, examples of which include early loss, trauma, abuse, disruption of relationships, and other negative experiences (Moore and Garland, 2003, p. 52). In Mr. Smith’s case, the triggering factors of depression are his mother’s diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, niece’s admission to an Assessment Ward, son’s diagnosis and treatment of acute myeloid leukemia, involvement in a car crash with National trust property pressing for compensation, and difficulties with the insurance company. Meanwhile, standardized diagnostic tools also assist both the general practitioner and the nurse in identifying the signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and severity of clinical depression. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD), 10th Revision and the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edit ion: DSM-IV-TR guide psychiatric practitioners in the diagnosis of mental disorders. In the APA criteria for major or unipolar depression, Mr. Smith should have at least four or more signs or symptoms listed in the criteria for a period of two weeks to meet the diagnosis of clinical depression (APA, 2000, p. 349; Patel and Jakopac, 2012, p. 138) while in the ICD-10, Mr. Smith should demonstrate specific number of
Friday, November 1, 2019
Sociology Exam questions tackling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Sociology Exam questions tackling - Essay Example Sending food and supplies to starving people in developing countries can sometimes prove to be more harmful because it shakes up the economy. The market in the developing country can become flooded with goods that are donated, meaning these products do not have production cost to recoup, unlike the local products. Because of this competition, the local products are forced to lower their prices which can make them lose their investment. For example, if there are food drives from richer countries, there would be a large supply for a commodity, let’s say corn. This would down the prices of the local farmers’ corn produce, which is bad for them. In short, sending food and supplies can kill the local industries in developing countries. Discuss the main assumptions of world systems theory and outline how this perspective views the economy. The main assumption of the world systems theory is to view the world-economy as a whole, not by merely units that stand alone per country. The study of the social change in any element in the system such as regions, ethnic groups and classes must begin by finding out where in the economic scale these certain elements stand. For example: a state. In the world systems theory, the state will be examined for the changes in has undergone internally, and it will also be studied as an element of society which is affected by changes by the world economy as well. World systems theory is basically the foundation of globalization. According to the main proponent of the idea, Immanuel Wallerstein, there is only one world that is connected by a complicated and complex economic exchanges and an endless accumulation of capital. This theory has features that separate it from other theories. The core, periphery and semi-periphery terms in this theory explain how it works. The societies that work outside the world system is at the periphery while the core has a high level of technological development that enables that society to manufa cture complex products. Now, the role of the periphery is to supply the core these raw materials and cheap labor. There goes the inequality between these societies as the people from the periphery would also buy the manufactured products (fashioned from theirs) from the core. This theory can make the whole world a commodity. It promotes the commodification of materials, including human social relationships, labor and materials. This makes everything material and therefore, everything can be bought. List and describe the three major contributions of feminist research toward understanding the relationship between work, labor and gender. Major contributions of feminist research toward understanding the relationship between work, labor and gender includes equality, laws pertaining to the female sex (like maternity leaves) and the ability of women to participate in work and labor and even sexual violence because of discrimination due to lack of education and work opportunities. Before, s ocial rules deemed women as second class citizens. This is just a social construct, no scientific basis whatsoever. This is usually what happens when something is termed as weak or strong. The feminist movement began in the late 1900s. This brought along large waves of change in the world, and was backed by â€Å"universal†values that claim equality between sexes. This movement is, according to
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