Thursday, December 26, 2019
Graduation Speech My Ideal Class - 954 Words
My ideal class is a class where all students enjoy and learn math. A typical day in class would be by welcoming the students with some music in the background. I remember that my Spanish teacher in high school would always receive us with music. I really enjoyed listening to music before the class. Therefore, I would start the day with some music that will relax the students before the class. I would always be at the door waiting for the students to enter class and receive them with a big smile. It is important to start the class with any type of positive attitude even with a little and simple as a smile. Maybe this would help them to feel motivated and happy if they had a bad night or morning. I want the students to feel that learning math can be fun and easy if we practice in a way they could enjoy it. I would write the warm up on the board at the beginning of the class, in which they would have the opportunity to practice and reinforce the material they have already learned the da y before. Students will help me to solve the problems written on the board step by step. If a student wants to go to the front to solve it, then the student will receive three extra credit points. After the warm up, I would do a mini lesson for about 10-15 minutes. My class would always be a routine of guided practice, independent practice, and group practice. Students would have the opportunity to practice on their own and with other classmates. By having students work independently or in aShow MoreRelatedDeveloping My Identity1203 Words  | 5 Pagesshe should do.†This quote comes from my grandmother, who tries her best to teach me about an individual’s personal identity. An individual’s identity represents who he or she truly is; it is something that allows a specific person to stand out from the crowd. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Euthanasia - Physician Assisted Suicide - 1641 Words
Physician Assisted Suicide John Key once said â€Å"If I had terminal cancer, I had a few weeks to live, I was in tremendous amount of pain - if they just effectively wanted to turn off the switch and legalize that by legalizing euthanasia, I d want that†(Brainyquote, web). John Key, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, supports euthanasia. Since Key has been in office, the public support for euthanasia went up 70%. If people are changing around the world, then why are Americans not changing to accept that assisted suicide is morally correct and provides the terminally ill with the right to die with dignity? Five states legalized physician assisted suicide. These states are Oregon, Vermont, Washington, New Mexico, and Montana. The laws state that physician assisted suicide allows terminally ill patients to end their lives easily and painlessly. The process is simple. People have a right to die. There are two key points supporting why this law should morally has to be passed all throughout the country. If someone is suffering, the choice to end their lives should be an option. However, from a legal standpoint, it can run the risks of being considered murder. Therefore, this all depends on the legal and ethical forms of assisted dying. Starting in 1994, as mentioned above, five states in the U.S. gave the option of physician assisted suicide. Oregon, the first state to approve physician assisted suicide, let the people vote if they want the Death with Dignity Act, the name wasShow MoreRelated Physician-Assisted Suicide Essay - Euthanasia Should Not be Legalized793 Words  | 4 PagesEuthanasia Should Not be Legalized    It is conceivable, that life can deteriorate to the point where persons lose their dignity and self-respect and are unable to communicate; life in such a form no longer meets meets the basic criteria of human- ness. (OKeefe, A1) Under these circumstances only should Euthanasia be practiced and then only passively (pulling the plug). Dutch Death, Euthanasia, doctor assisted suicide, whatever you want to call it, it Read MoreEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide865 Words  | 4 Pagessubject for people; add in the idea of assisted suicides and there’s an uproar in society. Euthanasia or physician assisted suicide is a very controversial topic in our society today. Physician assisted suicide by definition is â€Å"suicide by a patient facilitated by means (as a drug prescription) or information (as an indication of a lethal dosage) provided by a physician aware of the patient’s intent (Merriam-Webster). There are two modes of looking at assisted suicides; either it’s seen as an absurd immoralRead MoreEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide918 Words  | 4 Pagesallows terminally ill patients to end their lives with the assistance of a physician. According to the legislature, patients who seek assisted-death must only have six months to live and are required to submit a written request as well as two oral requests at least 15 days apart. (Reilly). While Gov. Jerr y Brown still has yet to approve this new law, the act has shed light on the topic of euthanasia/physician-assisted suicide. With the pending status of the law, the question remains on whether or notRead MoreEuthanasia Or Physician Assisted Suicide961 Words  | 4 PagesEuthanasia or physician assisted suicide, is the painless killing of a patient, suffering from a painful or incurable disease, like cancer, or alzheimer s, the practice is illegal in most countries, including the United States, although in the United States, it is a state decision, the only state in the United States that it is legal in is Oregon. Oregon passed the Death with Dignity Act in 1994, making euthanasia legal for chronically ill patients, the only caveat is that the doctor is allowedRead MoreEuthanasia, And Physician Assisted Suicide863 Words  | 4 Pagesare: euthanasia, and physician assisted suicide. Internationally, assisted suicide is a doctor prescribing drugs that end life. The patient is res ponsible for taking them. Euthanasia is the medication administered by doctors. Today, four countries have laws that allow euthanasia. (Ellis and Bronwyn) A few have laws for physician assisted suicide, and several countries have no laws against suicide. (Humphry) The United States of America have recently added a 5th state to offer assisted suicideRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide And Euthanasia Essay1039 Words  | 5 PagesPhysician Assisted Suicide Is physician assisted suicide ethical? Physician assisted suicide is an up and coming ethical question that examines a person’s right to their own death. Many people support physician assisted suicide, citing that it can save a lot of pain and suffering. Others claim that the concept of physician assisted suicide is a slippery slope. A slippery slope in the sense that if society accepts euthanasia as a rightful death for the terminally ill, they will potentially acceptRead MoreEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide1629 Words  | 7 Pagesproblems, assisted suicide creates options to reduce the amount of suffering the patient must enduring. Dying with dignity could be beneficial for not only the person who is dying, but also the person’s family and loved ones. This option, however, is often viewed as unethical and immoral throughout society. Physician-assisted suicide offers an option for those with health issues but poses various ethical and social issues. Assisted death is practiced in two different ways: euthanasia and physician-assistedRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide And Euthanasia Essay1806 Words  | 8 PagesPuett WRIT 1401 12/06/16 Physician Assisted Suicide Beginning in the 1970s, terminally ill patients were given the right to refuse life-sustaining treatment to end their own life, a process commonly referred to as euthanasia. They would be taken off life support, and death would be allowed to take its natural course. This idea was controversial at first, but now a bigger issue has taken its place. Many patients claim that they reserve the right to physician assisted suicideâ€â€killing oneself with meansRead MoreEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide997 Words  | 4 PagesEuthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide: The Right to Die with Dignity (The Legalization, At Risk Groups, and Rebuttal) The possible legalization of voluntary euthanasia and physician assisted suicide brings concerns in regards to how well it will be accepted. There are contradictions that exists between government and church when it comes to the morals and values placed on human life. Although, society has concerns in regards to at risk community groups and the type of treatment availableRead MoreEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide1504 Words  | 7 Pageslegalizing euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, we would provide â€Å"vulnerable†patients with better overall protection and health care, give patients (who are excruciatingly suffering and have no chance of recovery) the option to end their lives before they ever needed to go through such an ordeal and giving them peace of mind, and spare the families of the patients the emotional pain of watching their loved one slowly and painfully passing away. For these reasons, I believe that euthanasia and Physician-Assisted
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Economics Indicators free essay sample
Macroeconomics is â€Å"the study of how households and firms make decisions and how they interact in markets†(Mankiw, 2012, p. 29). While microeconomics is â€Å"the study of economywide phenomena, including inflation, unemployment, and economic growth†(Mankiw, 2012, p. 29). Understanding economic indicators is an integral part of assessing the economy as a whole. Economic indicators allow the government, businesses, and consumers, alike, to analyze and predict the future status of the economy. It is important to recognize the source of changes and how they ultimately, affect the economy. This paper will explain six economic indicators: Gross domestic product (GDP), unemployment, productivity, consumer price index (CPI), money supply, and consumer credit report. It will also explain the business cycle, why they it is utilized and show the importance through charts and graphs, Economic Indicators â€Å"Economic indicators are key statistics showing the state of the economy. These include the average workweek, weekly claims for unemployment insurance, new orders, vendor performance, stock prices, and changes in the money supply†(Friedman, 2012, p. 225). Leading Economic Indicators â€Å"Leading indicators are economic statistics that often change direction before the general economy changes. Stock market indexes are considered leading indicators, as stock indexes often decline before the economy declines and improve before the general economy recovers from a recession. Leading economic indicators therefore help predict the future economy†(Friedman, 2012, p. 396). Lagging Economic Indicators â€Å"Lagging Indicators are economic indicators that change after a change in the economy has occurred. Lagging indicators are observed as a means of confirming trends†(Friedman, 2012, p. 391). Definition – Gross Domestic Product is (GDP) â€Å"a figure that represents the total value of all goods and services produced in a country in a given time period. More simply, it is a measure of the total size of an economy â€Å"(Riggs, 2008, p. 96). How is the economic indicator determined? â€Å"It is calculated using the selling prices in the period in question of the â€Å"final†goods†(Kolb2008, p. 1044). â€Å"Government economists calculate GDP every quarter (in the financial world, each year is commonly broken down, for purposes of analysis, into four three-month periods called quarters), as well as yearly. It is used by government officials as an aid in creating policies, by business leaders in making business decisions, and by economists to improve their understanding of the economy†(Riggs, 2008, p. 96). What it measures? â€Å"In order to avoid counting certain goods (those that are part of other goods) multiple times, GDP measures only what are known as final products, or products that are sold to consumers on the open market†(Riggs, 2008, p. 96). Strengths, weakness, problems, or criticisms Strengths (Barnes, 2013): †¢GDP is considered the broadest indicator of economic output and growth. Real GDP takes inflation into account, allowing for comparisons against other historical time periods. †¢The Bureau of Economic Analysis issues its own analysis document with each GDP release, which is a great investor tool for analyzing figures and trends, and reading highlights of the very lengthy full release Weakness (Barnes, 2013): †¢Data is not very timely it is only released quarterly. †¢Revisions can change historical figures measurably (the difference between 3% and 3. 5% GDP growth is a big one in terms of monetary policy) Historical Data – GDP reflects how much we would actually pay for something and is therefore, the market value. The chart below reflects GDP from 2007 through 2012. it is a reflection of the market value of all final goods and services, produced within the country between this period. GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (BEA, 2013) ? Definition – Unemployment is â€Å"the state of being unemployed; can also mean the rate of unemployment (the percentage of a nation’s workforce that cannot find jobs)†(Riggs, 2008). The national unemployment rate is defined as the percentage of unemployed workers in the total labor force. It is widely recognized as a key indicator of labor market performance†(Investopedia, 2013). How is the economic indicator determined? â€Å"In any given month, the flow between these three pools of employed, unemployed, and out of the labor force creates the â€Å"measured unemployment rate. †By the BLS definition, the unemployment rate I percentage terms is the ratio of the number of unemployed divided by the labor force times 100†(Kolb, 2008, p. 2134). Unemployment is determined by the total number of workers (employed plus unemployed). â€Å"Persons are classified as unemployed if they do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, and are currently available for work. Persons who were not working and were waiting to be recalled to a job from which they had been temporarily laid off are also included as unemployed†(Investopedia, 2013). What it measures? â€Å"Unemployment measures the total number of employed, unemployed, or not in the labor force. It measures job losers, job leavers, and new entrants/reentrants into the labor force†(Kolb, 2008, 2133) Strengths, weakness, problems, or criticisms Strengths (Mankiw, 2012): †¢Unemployment insurance †¢Government programs †¢Usually short term 6-9 months Weakness (Mankiw, 2012): Some workers give up the job search because they cannot find worker and essentially become discouraged. †¢Structural unemployment for company-wide lay-offs Historical Data There are four main causes of unemployment: cyclical, frictional, seasonal, and structural unemployment. These are associated with different economic situations and different economic concepts. The chart below list the percentage rate unemployment for 16 years and older from 2007 to 2012. Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey Original Data Value Series Id:LNS14000000 Jumps in productivity tend to make their way to corporate bottom lines quickly via margin expansion. †¢Release shows results with and without the effects of inflation †¢Detailed productivity measures at the industry and sector level allow investors to analyze the relative productivity performance of many of their holdings. †¢One of very few indicators that shows results compared to other advanced economies; shows how the U. S. stacks up against the world in terms of productivity gains. †¢Productivity results represent the lions share of total GDP (about 75%); only government results and nonprofit groups are removed from calculations. Weakness (Barnes, 2013): †¢Not a timely indicator; first report comes five weeks after the quarter, and the revised report nearly two months †¢No new series of data is released, only derivations of previous data sets †¢Can be very volatile quarter to quarter; long-term measurements are the most effective use of this indicator when analyzing sustainable, long-term rates of productivity growth Historical Data- Maximizing output became even more important after the Industrial Revolution because of the high costs associated with mass producing goods. Thus, not long after the rise of factories came an outpouring of productivity and efficiency studies as well as numerous methods for getting the most possible output from a factory†(Riggs, 2008, p. 194). Major Sector Productivity and Costs Original Data Value Series Id:PRS85006092 Sector:Nonfarm Business Measure:Labor productivity (output per hour) Duration:Percent change from previous quarter at annual rate Base Year:- Years:2007 to 2012 YearQtr1Qtr2Qtr3Qtr4Annual 2007-0. 23. 34. A large increase in the CPI over a short period of time represents growing inflation, and a drop in the CPI signifies deflation, both of which can be harmful to an individual’s finances and a nation’s economy†(Riggs, 2008, p. 108). What it measures? â€Å"CPI measures the change in prices that consumers pay for goods and services from year to year†(Riggs, 2008, p. 108). Strengths, weakness, problems, or criticisms Strengths (Barnes, 2013): †¢Gives most insight into future Fed rate moves †¢Highly watched and analyzed in the media †¢Good regional and industry breakdowns for investor research Weakness (Barnes, 2013): †¢Volatile month to month What it measures? â€Å"Consumer credit is considered a good indicator of the potential future spending levels seen in the Personal Consumption and Retail Sales reports, and shows the extent to which benchmark interest rates such as the fed funds rate and prime rate have manifested themselves at the consumer level (it can take six months to a year for macro interest rates to work their way down to consumers)†(Barnes, 2013). Strengths, weakness, problems, or criticisms Strengths (Barnes, 2013): †¢Contains detailed breakdown of auto loan figures, such as average maturity and prevailing interest rates †¢Data is provided with and without seasonal adjustments. †¢Release shows comparisons against previous month, previous year, and also against results from the last five years Weakness (Barnes, 2013): †¢Only total growth in outstanding loans is shown; there is no way of knowing if consumer payments have fallen off or if new loan growth has slowed based on a falling consumer credit number (and vice versa). †¢Absence of home-equity debt provides for an incomplete picture. †¢Because it comes out after the consumer confidence report and retail sales reports for the month, some analysts will not look as intently at the consumer credit figures month to month, instead reviewing multi-period trends once or twice a year Historical Data- â€Å"It covers revolving and non-revolving credit. Revolving credit can be increased by the consumer up to a limit without contacting the creditor (as in credit cards), while non-revolving terms are fixed at the time the loan (as with an auto loan)†( (Barnes, 2013). The consumer credit report shows outstanding balances for commercial banks, finance companies, credit unions, Federal government and Sallie Mae, savings institutions, non-financial businesses, and securitized asset pools†(Barnes, 2013). Definition- Retail Sales â€Å"tracks the dollar value of merchandise sold within the retail trade by taking a sampling of companies engaged in the business of selling end products to consumers†(Barnes, 2008). How is the economic indicator determined? The data released will cover the prior months sales, making it a timely indicator of not only the performance of this important industry (consumer expenditures generally make up about two-thirds of total gross domestic product), but of price level activity as a whole. Retail Sales is considered a coincident indicator, in that activity reflects the current state of the economy. It is also considered a vital pre-inflationary indicator, which creates the biggest interest from Wall Street watchers and the Conference Review Board, which tracks data for the Federal Reserve Boards directors. What it measures? â€Å"Retail sales measures â€Å"the release will contain two components: a total sales figure (and related percentage change from the previous month), and one ex-autos, as the large ticket price and historical seasonality of auto sales can throw off the total figure disproportionately. Companies of all sizes are used in the survey, from Wal-Mart to independent, small-town businesses†(Barnes, 2013). Strengths, weakness, problems, or criticisms Strengths (Barnes, 2013): †¢The retail sales data is extremely timely, and is released only two weeks after the month it covers. †¢The data release is robust; investors can download a full breakout of component sectors, as well as spreadsheet historical data to examine trends. †¢Retail sales reports get a lot of press. Its an indicator that is easy to understand and relates closely to the average consumer. †¢A revised report comes out later (two to three months on average), amending any errors. †¢Analysts and economists will take out volatile components to show the more underlying demand patterns. The most volatile components are autos, gas prices and food prices. †¢Data is adjusted seasonally, monthly and for holiday differences month to month. Weakness (Barnes, 2013): †¢Revisions to the report (released about two months after the advance report) can be quite large, and the sample size is relatively small compared to the number of retailers opening their doors to consumers. †¢Retail sales data is often volatile from month to month, which makes trend-spotting difficult. †¢The indicator is based on dollars spent and does not account for inflation. This makes it difficult for individual investors to make decisions based on the raw data. †¢Does not account for retail services, only physical merchandise. The U. S. is an increasingly service-based economy, so not all retail activity is captured. Historical Data- Retail Sales is one of the big ones a report that can shed a lot of light on the economy. It provides detailed industry information and can really move the market. Investors will best be served by waiting for the analysts to sort through the report, removing any overly volatile components, and drawing conclusions from there. Conclusion Economic indicators are fundamental in the health and wealth of the nation’s economy. Gross domestic product is a part of every economic indicator because it measures the size of the total economy. Six important indicators has been defined and discussed within this paper. As the economy evolves, it is important to save at the appropriate times and spend when appropriate. Keeping a watchful eye on the economic indicators, being knowledgeable about the economy, preparing for inflation as well as deflation, is necessary in order to stay ahead of an ever-changing economy.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Philosophy and Curriculum
Admittedly, education is always affected by the contemporary philosophy. For example, any teacher plans the curriculum in accordance with his/her opinion as for the main points and less important issues. Since teachers are brought up in a certain culture based on a particular philosophy they form their curricula in terms of this large context. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Philosophy and Curriculum specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Moreover, teachers tend to develop not only their students’ mental activity, but they strive to foster people characterized by the major values of the culture they pertain to. Of course, it is not the most important for teacher to teach students to do sums or know where human’s heart is. Teachers develop learners’ ethical qualities so that students become worthy members of the society. Thus, teachers try to shape their curricula so that not only student’s mind and brain but student’s soul and heart could be developed (Brummelen 2). Many educators pay much attention to the correlation between philosophy and curriculum. For instance, Brummelen provides many effective approaches to plan the curriculum in accordance with contemporary philosophy. To my mind, he helps not only teachers but students as well since he articulates many useful points which teachers can implement. As far as students are concerned they also benefit from reading such books since they start understanding the importance of this approach. Moreover, the book enables learners to focus on what is really important. What impressed me most was the attitude towards religion and its place in the curriculum. For instance, it is suggested that all disciplines can and should be integrated with major principles of religion (Brummelen 229). Of course, it is not surprising when religious issues are considered during History or Literature classes. However, I was a bit star tled while reading about using such principles during Biology or Physics, for example. I used to think that science and religion are in different camps since sciences always tried to debunk certain points promulgated by religion. In its turn religious people often denied some major findings of scientists or condemned them for interfering in some divine activities. Besides, I often disliked when teachers started moralizing, so I thought that any deviations from curriculum was useless waste of time. I thought that school should provide students with pure science. However, the book impressed me greatly and made me change my mind. Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More I used to think that philosophical, religious and cultural principles should be learned at home, but I think that teachers can do it better since they know how to educate young people. Moreover, to my mind some ethical norms are acquired better when they come within some particular discipline. Thus, now I admit that such integration is possible and even preferable. Whereas, nowadays teachers explain that people’s longing to knowledge and, in fact, ability to learn and perceive is given by our God. It goes without saying that contemporary students can benefit from knowledge which is accompanied by â€Å"guiding principle for life†(Anthony and Benson 375). To my mind, curriculum is only strengthened by philosophical (religious) principles. It is very important to make young people see what is right and what is wrong since they are exposed to so much information at present that they can easily get lost and make many mistakes. Thus, I gather that curriculum is, in any case, influenced by curriculum, so it is better if teachers know how to make students benefit from it. Works Cited Anthony, Michael J. and Warren S. Benson. Exploring the History and Philosophy of Christian Education: Principles f or the Twenty-First Century. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2003. Van Brummelen, Harro. Steppingstones to Curriculum: A Biblical Path. Colorado Springs, CO: Purposeful Design Publications, 2002. This essay on Philosophy and Curriculum was written and submitted by user Jazmyn Warren to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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