Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Brief Literary Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Brief Literary Analysis - Essay Example This period is described by huge frustration and disintegration of conviction in religion as well as in various common statutes. T.S Eliot’s sonnet â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†was formed during this time (Eliot 15). The sonnet is innovator in its subject, character and exercises. Overwhelming fixation on oneself, demeanor of awareness and the movement of wisdom describe innovation. This exposition intends to break down how the sonnet contends about advancement and innovation, regarding how the cutting edge mind thinks. From the poem’s setting, format, structure, and voice of the persona, unmistakably the persona is a dismal and unreliable current man who attempts to clarify what occurs and doesn't occur in his life (Trites 50). The paper utilizes the structure of the sonnet and the voice of the persona in mix with the expressions of the author to distinguish how the subject of the sonnet identifies with innovation. In the contemporary world, time i s a valuable wonder. Individuals are especially cognizant about an ideal opportunity to the degree that they would prefer not to squander a moment. Time directs each action of the cutting edge individuals (Brooker 107). In his sonnet, Eliot shows how J. Alfred Prufrock is too time-cognizant. The persona designates time for each action (Eliot 24). He allots time to compensate for meeting and time to kill and make. He considers time to be an instrument to address slip-ups and thinks about whether he can set out the time: â€Å"Do I dare†(Eliot 16). The persona likewise discusses time for deciding, dreams and modifications before having tea and toast, much the same as in the cutting edge world, where individuals will in general unwind (have tea) after work. He likewise discusses how the advanced individuals hurry to function in their jackets and back home at night, indicating how they esteem time. From Eliot’s sonnet, unmistakably the advanced individuals are fixated on standing out. The cutting edge individuals consistently need to look great, exquisite, lovely, and attractive (Brooker 111). They invest energy and cash to carry request to them. In whatever they state, do or put on, present day individuals consistently need to look savvy. Eliot’s sonnet creates an image of consideration searchers who invest energy to make up, â€Å"time to set up a face to meet faces that you meet†(Eliot 16) so they can meet a few people. As he continues, the persona commits time to somebody (most likely his sweetheart) and himself. Prufrock likewise describes how he isn't happy with the hair sparseness and his dainty arms. He additionally portrays the garments individuals wear and the sorts of shades of individuals and their hair shading. This solitary shows how he is worried about appearance and consideration, which is a typical element of current individuals. In spite of the fact that affection existed before innovation, it shapes a solid componen t of the cutting edge individual. Present day individuals show love in all habits both communicated and suggested. It exists among both the young and grown-ups with every one of its highlights, for example, grievousness, energy, resilience and quiet. As the persona in Eliot’s sonnet talks, it is difficult to tell, regardless of whether he cherishes the individual his words allude to (Trites 54). The title itself is about affection: â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†. Prufrock is suffocated in affection however can't express his genuine thoughts out, much the same as a large portion of the advanced young people or coworkers, who dread dismissal or are simply bashful to stand up their brains. At a point, Prufrock attempts to defeat the dread when he asks himself, â€Å"Do I dare?†however can't stand up. In each general public, there exist certain people who
Saturday, August 22, 2020
BLACK RAGE HISTORICAL STUDY Essay Research Paper free essay sample
Dark RAGE: HISTORICAL STUDY Essay, Research Paper Dark Fury: A HISTORICAL ANALYSIS Layout Proposal Statement: Throughout the historical backdrop of the United States, as observed through an examination of Afro-american writing and talk, dark wrath has non just existed, however has developed. As the drive toward uniformity is obviously evident operating at a profit race? s fight, the request of where ( or when ) this fierceness will reduce ( if ever ) stays unreciprocated. In investigating dark wrath, four recognizable times of American history ought to be thought of: subjugation, Reconstruction and Jim Crow, the Civil Rights Era, and advanced America. I. Presentation A. Foundation 1. All through Afro-american history, a nearness of? dark rage? is recognizable through both Afro-american writing and talk. 2. This rage has radiated from a territory of racial imbalance and has picked up drive since forever. B. The Problem 1. When covering with the develop of racial equity, the request must be asked: Can two races live respectively in balance? 2. It still can't seem to be demonstrated that a region of equity can be gotten in the United States for African Americans. 3. Given the drive that exists inside Afro-american culture to determine more opportunity, is an inversion in racial force inescapable? II. Subjugation in America: Bondage is the start of dark fierceness. A. Perhaps the most punctual voice of dark rage is that of David Walker B. Nat Turner? s resistance hardened white America? s fear of disobedience. C. Perhaps the most hawkish voice of dark fierceness during servitude is that of Henry Good country Garnett. D. Fredrick Douglass, however an increasingly moderate voice, other than exhibits the rage of his race. III. Reproduction and Jim Crow: With subjugation annulled, correspondence was still non cultivated, further envenoming African Americans and filling the longing to survive. A. T. Thomas Fortune clarifies the bind of the dark race during Reconstruction, announcing that nil has been illuminated ; subjugation is gone, yet the dark grown-up male is non free. B. Marcus Garvy stands altogether as one who has intensely looked to give the rage of his kin militantly. C. Langston Hughes typifies the bind of the dark race in America in his poesy. D. Authentic Brown? s? Solid Work power? diagrams the dark fight in America, representing a drive of dark rage. E. James Weldon Johnson and Ralph J. Bundle legitimize fierce directing of wrath to show signs of improvement of enslavement. F. Claude McKay advocates power and fighting back. G. W. E. B. Du Bois, however a progressively moderate dark voice, forecasts the happening to an unavoidable race battle in America. IV. The Civil Rights Motion: The Civil Rights movement, potentially the best introduction of dark rage in American history, creates an explosion of wrath talk. A. In the fight for social liberties, the talk of insurgency rules as one significant subject of dark wrath. B. Going with radical thought, dark talk or fierceness other than firmly advocates the use of power. C. Dark Power, suggesting upheaval and power, commands the head of dark fierceness introduction. D. One association that expects to grant dark rage militantly past the endeavors of others is the Black Panther Party. F. The fight for cultural force among white and dark America was brought to a caput during the Civil Rights Era. G. While numerous during the Civil Rights Movement upheld a haughty movement with a different dark specialists, the chance of dark laterality in America, an inversion of racial force, was other than voiced. H. Potentially embodying the full clash of rage during the Civil Rights Movement are the plants of Malcolm X. I. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. , other than tried to confer dark rage to result adjustment. V. Dark Rage in Contemporary America: In current American culture, Afro-american correspondence presently can't seem to be acknowledged, rage despite everything exists. A. The contention for social equality is non over. B.. Dark wrath is as yet present. C. Can a territory of uniformity ever be acquired among Whites and inkinesss in America? D. Understanding what it took to determine common land in the days of old, what is it going to take in cutting edge America? F. The Los Angeles open violences each piece great as led inquire about show that anger is as yet present and holding on to move. VI. The Decision A. Reappraisal of the significant issues 1. Servitude is the start of dark rage in America. 2. With servitude annulled balance was still non cultivated, further envenoming African Americans and powering the longing to show signs of improvement of. 3. The Civil Rights movement was conceivably the best introduction of dark wrath in American history. 4. In cutting edge American culture, Afro-american correspondence still can't seem to be figured it out. B. The answer, the arrangement, the closing feeling 1. White American culture is reluctant to surrender control, and Black American society is reluctant to make due with anything short of whole balance. 2. The drive of anger and want to show signs of improvement of imbalance will pressure the issue also, deliver an inversion of racial force in America. Dark Fury: A Historical Analysis Upheaval? In America? America was established and based upon the truly decide that it is adequate for a loaded people to lift up in insubordination to get opportunity, independency, and self-assurance. In the Declaration of Independence, America? s most respected inception patriarchs shouted to King George, ? We hold these certainties to be aphoristic, that all work powers are made equivalent. . . . ? Be that as it may, non dark work powers. The dark race has been oppressed, dehumanized, stomped on, held down, stifled, calmed, and deprived of human rights from the very build of this wonderful state, America. Furthermore, what was normal accordingly from this race of loaded individuals? Accommodation and suspension! To what extent did the oppressors hope to keep up a full race of work powers down? Inconclusively! So they thought. The? Negro occupation? has tormented white America ever since the designers would not recognize the dark race? s legitimate and only case to human rights and balance. Subjection separated the state in the bitterest strife ever battled between the shores of the state. The Civil Rights Movement tossed the state into seizure and open viciousness neer prior experient between her limit lines. No, dark individuals would non delicately submit and acknowledge the unreasonable conditions forced upon them. They would non rest each piece long as they were subjugated and dehumanized. They would non delicately subject to? discrete however equivalent? disparity. They would ( and they will ) improve of. Dark fierceness, instituted and characterized in the warmth of the Civil Rights Movement, has existed since the commencement of America. While anger might be characterized as communicated altogether in Acts of the Apostless of physical power and fierceness, rage other than demonstrates a? power of feeling, want, or craving. . . a savage want or energy? ( Webster? s 1187 ) . Also, this is accurately what comprises? dark fury. ? William Grier and Price Cobbs, in their 1968 radical examination Black Rage, relate the wrath experienced by the dark network to the quality of their sentiments about the enslavement they have encountered. They compose, ? Watch [ that ] the whole of wrath the abused curves on his tormenter is an immediate guide of the profundity of his grief, and see the quality of the dark grown-up male? s sorrow? ( 210 ) . [ Thesis: ] Throughout the historical backdrop of the United States, as observed through an examination of Afro-american writing and talk, dark rage has no n simply existed, however has developed. As the drive toward uniformity is obviously clear operating at a profit race? s fight, the request of where ( or when ) this wrath will decrease ( if ever ) stays unreciprocated. In breaking down dark fierceness, four recognizable times of American history ought to be thought of: servitude, Reconstruction and Jim Crow, the Civil Rights Era, and cutting edge America. Servitude in America The enslavement forced by the white race upon dark humankind in America has non been without impact. The oppression has caused an area of anger, dark fierceness, inside the chest and mind of the dark race that has non gone unnoticed nor unreciprocated. From the earliest starting point of this state, established in the bitter specialty and dehumanization of the servitude, threat # 8212 ; world, rather # 8212 ; of dark restriction, resistance, and triumph has been more than show in America. Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vesey, David Walker, Nat Turner, and Frederick Douglass, each piece great the same number of others, have all struck dismay operating at a profit Marias of Whites ; America understood that she would non everlastingly have the option to keep up the dark race enslaved. Incline stood up. It stood up through the composed word. It stood up in ground-breaking speech and reprobating declaration. It stood up in physical and fierce resistance. The inside sentiment of wrath brought about by the despair of oppression changed itself into physical, vicious fierceness. Indeed, dark fierceness, talking out against the atrociousnesss of enslavement and imprisonment of a race, would be heard ; it would be communicated. Potentially the most punctual voice of dark rage is that of David Walker. Fitting to Arthur Smith and Stephen Robb, editors of The Voices of Black Rhetoric: Choices, Walker? s? fight addresss and expositions stamped him as the most risky single the genius subjection powers had ever experienced. Walker talked intensely, talking insurgency and resistance? ( 10 ) . In his Entreaty, Walker demands paradise against servitude and helps America to remember states since the beginning # 8212 ; Egypt, Rome, Spain # 8212 ; that have endured pulverization on account of such inhumaneness. He unequivocally and evidently suggests that America will go up against the sam
Friday, August 21, 2020
Eating Disorders in Children and Tweens
Eating Disorders in Children and Tweens Eating Disorders Symptoms Print Eating Disorders in Children and Tweens By Jennifer O'Donnell Jennifer ODonnell holds a BA in English and has training in specific areas regarding tweens, covering parenting for over 8 years. Learn about our editorial policy Jennifer O'Donnell Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Rachel Goldman, PhD, FTOS on February 11, 2020 Rachel Goldman, PhD FTOS is a licensed psychologist, clinical assistant professor, speaker, wellness expert specializing in weight management and eating behaviors. Learn about our Medical Review Board Rachel Goldman, PhD, FTOS on February 11, 2020 Image Source / Getty Images More in Eating Disorders Symptoms Treatment Diagnosis Awareness and Prevention School-based studies of 8- to 13-year-olds have found that between 20%â€"56% report dieting. While this is shocking, and while actual eating disorders in children this young are still relatively uncommon, anorexia nervosa has been identified in children as young as seven years old. Importantly, eating disorders in children and tweens look different than eating disorders in teens and adults. For this reason, eating disorders in younger people are often misdiagnosed. Parents need to understand what eating disorders can look like in children and teens. Differences in Children and Tweens Children and tweens are less likely to have disturbances in body image, often seen as the hallmark of an eating disorder. Thus, a parent whose child loses weight and shows less interest in eating, but doesn’t express fear of being fat, may be thrown off course. Young patients with eating disorders are more likely to be male than older patients with eating disorders. Younger patients with eating disorders are also less likely to report bingeing or purging and are less likely to have tried diuretics or laxatives to lose weight. A diagnosis of avoidant restrictive intake disorder (ARFID) is also more common in younger patients. Instead of rapid weight loss, younger patients may fail to make expected gains in weight or height. Children and adolescents who start out in higher weight categories may develop eating disorders and are at risk for delayed diagnosis. Any weight loss in a growing child is not normal and should always be a cause for concern. Exercise, a common symptom of an eating disorder in older teens and adults, may also appear different in children and tweens. Younger people are less likely to engage in goal-directed exercise such as running or going to the gym. Yet, they may exhibit behaviors that look like hyperactivity such as running around, pacing, and refusing to sit when others do such as while watching television. While older teens may give an explanation of dieting for the reasons they are not eating particular foods, children and tweens are less likely to give a coherent reason for their refusal to eat certain foods. They may just start rejecting certain foods or complain of stomach aches. This can also throw parents off the track. Warning Signs of Eating Disorders in Children Eating disorders can have dangerous medical consequences. A child with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or other eating disorder can develop malnutrition, anxiety, and depression, as well as damage to the teeth, esophagus, gums, and internal organs. Eating disorders can also be fatal. Eating Disorder Warning Signs To be sure your child isnt developing an eating disorder, be on the lookout for the following signs and symptoms: Weight loss or lack of weight gain in a growing child (even if that child was previously in a larger body)Refusal to eat foods previously enjoyed (often with no explanation as to why)Dieting, talk about dieting or preoccupation with losing weightNegative comments about their body shape or associated behaviors such as wearing loose clothingIncreased anxiety at mealtimes, claiming they have already eaten, and/or making excuses to avoid mealsHyperactivity or excessive exercise (there may be no obvious connection to attempts at weight loss)Preoccupation with cooking, watching cooking shows, reading recipes, and/or cooking for others and refusing to eat what they have madeLarge quantities of food missing (could indicate binge eating)Going to the bathroom and/or showering after meals (could indicate purging)Other less specific symptoms sometimes noticed by parents before their children were diagnosed include anxiety, changes in sleep patterns, social withdrawal, mood swings, depression, an gry outbursts, irritability, and physical symptoms (such as dizziness or stomach pain). Signs Your Teens Might Have an Eating Disorder Taking Action If you suspect your child is displaying signs of an eating disorder, youll have to take action. Discuss your concerns with your child, but be aware that many children and tweens with eating disorders will not admit there is a problem even when there is one. Next, share your concerns with your childs pediatrician. Consider consulting a mental health professional who specializes in eating disorders for advice and support. Be aware that not all pediatricians are adept at spotting an eating disorder in its early stages. Even if they reassure you that everything is okay and you remain concerned, trust your gut and continue to seek guidance and observe your child. If your child is diagnosed with an eating disorder, be aware that there are many different treatment options. Research these options carefully. Early diagnosis and treatment lead to the best chances for long-term recovery. Eating Disorders Every Parent Should Know About
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay on Social Origins of Othello - 643 Words
Shakespeare adapted Othello from Giraldi Cinthios Hecatommithi, but he altered the original story. The central point of Cinthios story is that one should look for marriage partners from the same ethnic and cultural background, whereas Shakespeares play explores the relationship of the lovers, as well as the villains plans to destroy that relationship. The opening act of Othello takes place in Venice, but the primary setting is Cyprus. Venice is a city-state of enormous wealth and the center of Christian resistance to the Turks, Venice was an important port, like London, and there was commercial competition between the two. Its trade was being blocked by the growing power of the Turkish Empire in the 16th Century, which extended†¦show more content†¦Othello, a Moor, is a soldier, a military leader, who, after much battlefield experience, is currently employed by Venice as the Governor-General of Cyprus. He is both a captain and a general. He holds a high position and is greatly respected. In Act I, he is sent by the Venetian government to defend Cyprus against and impending attack by the Turks. The play is vague about Othellos exact origin. He displays heroic qualities of courage and strength. He is physically impressive and passionate. What set him apart is that he is dark-skinned, a foreigner, a stranger and outside r. He doesnt belong in the society in which he lives. He stands apart from everyone else as a man of another race, from another country and much of the conflict that he faces is because he doesnt belong and fit in with Venetian society. Desdemonna, of fair complexion, is a Venetian of privileged background, has good breeding and is virtuous. Cassio is a gentleman of noble birth. He comes from Florence, a city known for its high culture. He is educated and trained in the warfare and has fine manners with ladies. Roderigo and Iago are Spanish in origin. Roderigo is also a gentleman, of noble birth and from Venice. Iago does not appear to be of noble birth and is not affluent. He is Othellos ensign. Iago, althoughShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between Film And Othello1503 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout the years the play Othello by William Shakespeare has been adapted both on the screen and on stage many times. The questions or race and racism that have quite often been a point of discussion with William Shakespeare’s play Othello can be seen through the bard, however some may argue that Othello’s skin colour was purely a plot device. This paper will look at two film that have been re-made since the 1960’s, which provides an analysis of the concept of race and how political ideas andRead MoreAnalyzing Humanity in Othello: The Reason Why it is Still Worth Studying1675 Words  | 7 PagesHumanity in Othello: The Reason It is Still Worth Studying Dr. David Allen White of the US Naval Academy asserts that we are all Iago now (White 2000). 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A characters identity is the overall essence ofRead M oreEssay on The Theme of Self Esteem in Othello1475 Words  | 6 PagesThe Theme of Self Esteem in Othello For the theater-going people of the Elizabethan age, there were many hardships. Many of them experienced poor living conditions and treatment. All of them faced the dangers of a comparatively underdeveloped medical knowledge which often left the young and elderly to die of common diseases. The magic of Shakespeare is not only that historians can learn of otherwise undocumented details of the 1500s, but also that all readers can discover the many similaritiesRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare1709 Words  | 7 Pagesstereotyped. The character Othello is a unique character in English literature, because unlike the other members of society, Othello is an outsider in Venice. He is a black man living in a white world, married to a white woman, and a leader of white men in battle. Othello is persuaded that his wife, Desdemona, is cheating on him, leading him to murder her. Some argue that because Othello was the typical black stereotype he killed Desdemona, but evidence suggests t hat Othello viewed his own racial identityRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Othello, The Moore Of Venice1520 Words  | 7 Pages Othello, The Moore of Venice is a production, adapted from one of Shakespeare’s plays. Shakespeare has written many plays, The Moore of Venice is one he wrote during a dark time in his career in between his most famous works Hamlet and King Lear the profound re-workings of old plays. According to Kristin Johnsen-Nashati (Aug. 8, 2005), â€Å"some scholars have speculated that Shakespeare wrote Othello to please King James I. The setting of this play takes place during the ancient Greek renaissance sometimeRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare1178 Words  | 5 Pagesprofitable in condition of good and immorality. Othello is presented as good and Iago as evil, but Iago and Othello’s relationship also shares a distrust of their wives. The overall logical argument is based on love, jealousy and betrayal between two lovers that ultimately l eads to their separation because of Iago’s evil plan. I am using this article to agree with Berry s view on how Iago separates two lovers just so he can take retaliation on Othello by manipulating everyone to unmasking their trueRead MoreEssay about The Effects of Femininity1571 Words  | 7 Pagesterms of discourse. It is not just the sex and gender of a being that determines their actions, but instead their thoughts and opinions. This essay will assess ideas of femininity in reference to James The Turn of The Screw, and Shakespeares Othello. In order for us to deal with how a consideration of femininity can effect our understanding of a literary text, we must also be able to grasp the notion of `feminism and `Feminist Literary Theory. A dictionary definition of `feminism is:Read MoreThe Role of Race in Othello1773 Words  | 8 PagesTopic paper : The role of race in Othello. â€Å"Although the plots of Shakespeares plays are specific, the motivations of the characters -- as well as of Shakespeare himself -- have been the source of much debate. Arguments continue over interpretations of Shakespeares intentions in part because his plays remain so profoundly relevant.†(, Teachers’ Guide, Othello : Essay on race, web.) Othello is the story of a Berber who in the fourteenth century, has reached the top of the pyramidRead MoreDesdemona from Othello Essay example1358 Words  | 6 Pagesfaults of others). Throughout Othello, Desdemona is presented as pure and innocent – in regards to this, Auden’s comment is unusual as Desdemona is seldom criticised; indeed many critics are complementary, giving her titles such as ‘gentle Desdemona’. Desdemona is a victim of both Othello’s jealousy (the ‘green-eyed monster’) and Iago’s malevolence. However, as a literary construct, she is unable to prevent herself from falling victim to the hamartia of Othello and his hubris, an essential
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Comparing Andrei Shleifer, Amartya Sen, And Jean Dreze
Andrei Shleifer, Amartya Sen, and Jean Drà ¨ze all try to understand what makes countries rich and what makes them poor. Shleifer thinks that what makes a country rich, and subsequently its people rich, is the free market and the economic success that follows it. Alternately, Drà ¨ze and Sen believe that what makes a country rich, a whole country with its entire population, is state intervention and regulation of the economy. This differing on opinion is the fundamental difference in the work by Shleifer and Drà ¨ze and Sen. In many ways the arguments within the book An Uncertain Glory work to refute Shleifer’s claim made in The Age of Milton Friedman. As is evident by the lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality rates, as well as†¦show more content†¦When discussion inflation, Shleifer, when discussing a book he read, says that studies have shown that inflation under 40% do not hinder economic growth. In regard to capital controls Shleifer says that they off er no real benefits, and that the case of Malaysia during the Asian financial crisis may actually have hurt the country as the controls promoted corruption and assisted the Prime Minister. Shleifer discusses the success of the free market economic policies in his paper. He talks about the wonders the policies have done to the economies of Eastern Europe, Latin America, and China. In Eastern Europe, after the fall of the Soviet Union, governments there enacted smaller government budgets and smaller taxes. These policies have works to reverse the negative economic trend of the Soviet era, and turned into positive economic growth. In Chili, the policies their have allowed for a massive economic growth, and an overtaking of Argentina. The government in Chile also has ambitions, such as entering the economic playing field of Australia or New Zealand â€Å"Such talk might be ambitious, but it shows where free market policies got the Chileans†(CITATION). China is a massive economic success. The policies their brought hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and changed the world. Yet many people argue as to how this happened. Shleifer talks about how some people say it was the state
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effects of Slavery Depicted in A New Song by Langston...
Slavery in America began in 1607. Blacks and a small percentage of whites were owned by people whom were called masters. The majority of slaves were involved with the responsibility of field work and picked such things as cotton, sugar, crops, etc. The blacks that were not slaves had only a limited amount of rights which included their own water fountain and the backseat of the bus. Throughout the first half of the 19th century, a movement to end slavery was in progress. By 1865, President Lincoln signed The Emancipation Proclamation and the Land of the free had began. A New Song by Langston Hughes and Fences by August Wilson were both based on black characters. Both the poem and the play base their theme on their inherited history and the†¦show more content†¦August Wilson’s writing relates to Langston Hughes because he separates his race from the whites also. For example, in Act One, Scene One, Troy spins a long tale about his fight for several days with the Devil. The story of the Devil endears Troy to audiences early on by revealing his capability to imagine and believe in the absurd. Troy turns a white salesman into a Devil. Troy calls a man the Devil who tried to sell Troy furniture in exchange for monthly payments by mail. Because devils normally portray evil, it is evident that Troy thinks Whites are evil. Again, Troy is linking his past to his present. The fact that he was treated badly in earlier years by whites, makes him believe that all whites are the same. At the end of the poem the narrator illustrates the end of slavery with examples such as â€Å"Revolt! Arise!†and â€Å"The past is done!†This is an indication that the blacks rebelled against the whites. The blacks are free. The reader can insinuate that slavery is over. In conclusion, The Civil Rights Movement inspired authors around America to speak out about slavery. Although the play and the poem were based on two different characters, they both related in such ways that taught readers a little lesson on history. A New Song took experiences of a slave and molded it into a short poem. Fences ,explained in more modern day, was
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Taxation Law Legislation and Commentary
Question: Discuss about the Taxation Law for Legislation and Commentary. Answer: Introduction The current report is being drafted on the Taxation laws of Australia. Light is drawn on essentials that are required to be entered or omitted while calculating the income of a taxpayer. Income tax is charged on the income earned by the assessee further broadly classified into two categories, ordinary income and statutory income. The current case indicates provisions in relation to income received in advance and the stock traded in context to the funeral business. Significant case laws are cited to prove the correlation between the applicable sections and law, which is apt to the current case. Application of relevant facts suitable case wherever found necessary to prove the point of the answer. Legal Law: As per the section 6.5 of Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, an ordinary income is a part of assessable income, which is derived throughout the income year. In the case of Brent V FC of T71ATC, it was articulated that wherein any specified provision is not mentioned regarding the determination of derived income, applying of commercial and ordinary principals will derive the income assessed (Linney, 2012). The income, which is derived by RIP LTD from RIP Finance, shall be the income derived in general. The income that is been derived from its funeral plan will be taken as an activity. Such activities are referred as funeral and associated activities. Facts: RIP Pty. Ltd is a resident private company, which carries on its business of undertaker/funeral director. Fess is generated by the company from RIP finance Pty Ltd who under the instalment repayment plan provides its customer credit facilities. Deluxe funeral arrangements are guaranteed to the client wherein the agreed amount is paid. If the determined charge of the contract is not paid in complete then in such a case it is billed as fees payable under an invoice of 30 days or fees received from RIP finance Pty Ltd. under the instalment repayment plan. Pertinent Law: In the case of Arthur Murray (NSW) Pty Ltd. V FCT (1965) CLR 314 (High Court), the dance classes were taken by the taxpayer and prepaid basis was chosen as a means of recovering fees. In the event of future services, no refund was offered to its customers (Rowland, 2014). The income earned from classes for future prospects was accounted by the taxpayer as unearned deposit account. In this case, the court provided its verdict elucidating that the amount received by the taxpayer for services that are to be offered in future years will be a part of the assessable income for the year in which it is received and not for the year in which it is actually earned. In the current situation, Arthur Murray case shall be applicable to the company. As the company is receiving fees on the prepaid basis for which the taxpayer makes no refund if the client is unable to avail the services in future. A similar notion is applicable for those customers who cease to make payments and are unable to repay their arrears. The respective two methods are clearly elucidated under Rule 8 and Rule 9 of the Taxation Rulings (TR 98/1): Cash Basis: It is also known as receipt basis. Under this method, taxpayer derives income when he receives cash or cash equivalent amount. Any company who has a turnover of less than $2 million can avail this method. This method covers the period during which actual sales and purchases are being made (Martorano, 2014). The merit of employing this method is that it can better align the flow of money with the business activity and its statement liabilities. Thus overall making it easier for managing the cash flows. The cash method is applicable in following instances: Any small business which might be an individual, company, partnership firm or a trust whose aggregate turnover is not more than $2 million (Charlesworthand Marshall, 2011). Wherein the income tax is calculated on the basis of cash method. A type of enterprise who is directed by any respective law to pay taxes on the basis of cash method. Accrual Method: Herein, income is considered received when it has actually been earned. Income will be realised only when the services or goods are actually been delivered or debts are incurred against the income and not just merely because of receipt of income as done in cash basis (Srensen and Johnson, 2010). Instance; Cash Basis: Mr N is employed who receives a salary for two months in advance for the next year. Herein, the salary of two months shall be deemed to be received even if the services pertaining to such salary is not rendered. Accrual basis: Mr P has a business of selling telephone. In the current year, a scheme is offered to customers to make payment in advance for the next year and avail the benefit of rebate of 20%. On the basis of accrual method, though the fees are received for next year, the fees in relation to current year will only be accounted for assessment of income of the taxpayer. Pertinent Law: As per theSection 104-150 of Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, forfeiture of deposit CGT event H1. This is applicable in a case wherein an individual or entity or organisation has received any deposit from you and they forfeit the same for the reason that prospective sale or any other transactions have not proceeded (Taylor and Richardson, 2013). For instance; Mr X has decided to sell off its land. Before commencing upon the contract of sale, the prospective buyer pays Mr X $1000 which is a holding deposit for 2 months. In any circumstance, the negotiating contract ceases to occur and in such case, the deposit is forfeited by Mr X. According to 1A the following components need to be reduced from the amount, which is being deposited: Amount repaid by Mr X, or Compensation paid by Mr X that can be considered as a repayment of complete or part of the deposit. Also, 1A specifies that the proceeds which are being forfeited may be in form of property (Tse, and Krol, 2015). As per 1B, deposit cant be reduced by any part of payment that can be deducted. As per subsection 2, the time of the event is when the deposit is forfeited. As per subsection 3, a capital gain can be made if a deposit is more than the expenditures incurred in context to the prospective sale or any other transactions. Subsequently, the capital loss is said to be made wherein the deposit is less. As per subsection 4, the expenditure may include giving property, but it does not include any amount, which is received as recoupment and is not a part of your assessable income as well (Whiteford, 2010). Facts: The amount received by RIP Pty Ltd from its client under the funeral plan for any future costs in relation to the funeral. In case if the complete agreement is not met then the amount deposited shall be forfeited. $225000 is the amount that remains of Easy Plan funeral. As per the Section 104-150, the company has the right to forfeit the amount that has been deposited on account of incompletion of the obligation and $225000 should be written down as capital gained in the books of RIP Pty Ltd. Treatment of trading stock Applicable Law Trading stock is defined by 1997 The Income Tax Assessment Acts Section 70-10. As per the section trading stock involves all that is made, produced or bought which is used for the purpose of manufacturing, sale or exchanging in the ordinary course of business (Jacob and Jacob, 2013). Cases involving livestock and shares need to be considered for special issues. Livestock is considered to be a part of stock only if they are burdened animal only for the purpose of primary production in the business. In the case of shares, it is a part of trading stock only if there are a frequent number of transactions and considerable resources are developed from such activity. Generalised Taxation Treatment: Deduction referring to the cost of purchase is permitted. If closing stock's amount becomes more than closing stock's amount then the difference is valuable (Pintoand, 2011). If opening stocks amount is more than the amount of closing, the resulting difference is deductible. Facts: There are three types of caskets, which include a range of accessories considered as religious and secular possessed by RIP Pty Ltd as closing stock. The company has also procured a significant amount of discount on its advance purchases. As the company has acquired the caskets and accessories for its fulfilment of obligation and not for the purpose of selling or exchanging it in the ordinary course of business thus this will not be a part of the stock. The case law of Ballarat Brewing Co, Ltd V FCT is applicable to the current situation as for the facts; it correctly reflects the expenditure made in reference to the acquisition of caskets and accessories. According to this case, the amount calculated in the books of accounts shall be the amount after discount availed. The net amount shall be the correctly reflected (Rowland, 2012). $25000 will be shown under head assets, but only if the casket and accessories come under the head of assets. Thus, equivalent to the amount under the head of capital assets, debtors account will be created. If this is considered as expenditure, then it will be accounted as prepaid expenses. Treatment of dividend income earned during the year As defined under section 44 of Income Tax Assessment Act, Assessment of dividends is made when it is paid and as per the section 6 (1) the word paid includes sum i.e., distributed or credited by the company. Further, the section 44 (1)(a) must be read in reference to dividend payment (Crawford and Sawang, 2011). The company cannot revoke dividend once declared. Thus, dividend forms a part of assessable income when it is received and cant be revoked by the company. Hence, in the current situation RIP Finance Pty Ltd declared a cash dividend of $21000, which will be part of the assessed income of the company. Treatment regarding rental of storage space to be paid during the year: Applicable law: In context to the provisions specified in Australian taxation laws, an individual or any business is eligible to claim any rental expenses, which are of revenue nature. Though, in context to the capital expenses, it has been clearly mentioned one is entitled to claim deduction wherein there is any declining value of capital work. Facts: On 1st March 2016, an amount of $57000 was paid as 2 years rent for storage space. The lease is about to get expired by 28th February 2018. In this situation $9500 amount was taken as a part of the expense and remaining $47500 is to be capitalised in financial accounts. As per the provisions specified under the Act, $9500 will be permitted to get deducted in the same year. Though, certainly, one cannot claim the deduction of $47500 immediately and avail it in proportionate of two years as per the declining value of capital expenditure. Treatment of the amount being debited from Long Service Leave Account Income Tax Assessment Acts Section 83-70 herein deals with the accounting of Long Service Leave provisions. The subset of this section is applicable to the leave off following categories but other than the annual leave which is to comply with the provisions of section 83-10 (Other capital expenses. (2016)). As per this section: Long leaves, extended leaves and furlough are a part of the long service leave. Any other service which has the same implication as of above mentioned in part (a) is ordinarily available. If the employer has been availing any scheme of arrangement for leave, the employer is not bound to comply with the Law of Common Wealth and State of Territory Laws, related to the leave as aforementioned in section 83-70. Section 83-8 is considered for dealing with taxations belonging to vacant long service leave payment (Pintoand, 2011). As per this section, payment is recognised to post 14th August 1993 period will be 100% part of assessable income of employee. The MD of RIP Pty Ltd was given an advance pertaining to Long Service Leave of $22000 for 3 months. This amount is considered for the provisions of service leave account. In reference to Section 83-7 and 83-8, it can be observed that the amount given to an employee is related to the long service leave and the total amount. As part of the assessable income of the employee, the total amount of $22000 will be a part of it. Thus, the treatment done herein is correct. Applicable Law: The deduction that is applicable in relation to customer costs for a building it can be claimed under the head of capital work. It includes the following: Building or the preliminary extensions, enhancements to a building. Enhancement made in the structure of building such as maintaining the wall and fences (Pintoand, 2011). The improvement made to safeguard the environment. Thus, all this assessment can help in claiming for the capital expenditure made by them regarding the extension of the building. Furthermore, distinctive rates of deduction shall be applicable from the time when the work has started. Division 43 of ITAA 1997 shall cover the provisions of this law. Facts: According to the decision made by the companys Board of directors to resort to and construct a purposeful built in facilities. In the year 2013, $250000 was paid over as a preliminary expense for architectural designing. The land was subsequently acquired in the year 2014 that costs around $1.25 million along with $50000 was given as expense incurred for demolishment. Construction for new house commenced from 1st September 2014 incurring a sum of $2.5 million. Operations began on 1st August 2015 and an onsite parking cost was calculated as $125000 which was completely built by 30th September 2015 and the over landscape site resulted in a sum of $40000 which was completed on 31s of January 2016. As per the given situation, the business is eligible to claim for 4% as allowances for construction work as in reference to the Division 43 of ITAA 1997. However, in order to avail this allowance the building is required to be qualified as per the provisions of Section 43.150 of ITAA 1997. Conclusion The organisation herein has been applying all the relevant norms of the ITAA 1997. Any non-compliance of the statutory laws will result in varied penalties and punishments for the company and its representatives (Rowland, 2012). It can be very well articulated from the current report that standard norms of the Taxation laws of Australia are followed requisitely by the organisation. The prevalent sections and provisions are elaborated for a detailed explanation of the sections. Suitable Case laws have been cited to present the facts and judgement of law, which has helped, in ascertaining the treatment made by the organisation. References Charlesworth, S. and Marshall, H. (2011). Sacrificing workers? The curious case of salary sacrificing in non-profit community services in Australia.International Journal of Public Sector Management.24(7).pp.673-683. Crawford, J. Sawang, D. (2011). RD in Australia: The new RD tax incentive.Taxation in Australia,46(4), p.145. Jacob, M. Jacob, M. (2013).Taxation, dividends, and share repurchases: Taking evidence globally. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 48(04), Pp.1241-1269. Linney, S. (2012). Changing the face of regulatory projects in Australia. Taxation in Australia,46(10), p.468. Martorano, B. (2014).The Impact of Uruguay's 2007 Tax Reform on Equity and Efficiency. Development Policy Review, 32(6).Pp.701-714. Rowland, N. (2012). Keeping you up to date with the latest in tax.Taxation in Australia,47(2), p.62. Rowland, N. (2014). Furthering excellence in the tax profession.Taxation in Australia,49(3), p.119. Srensen, P.B. Johnson, S.M. (2010). Taxing capital income: options for reform in Australia. InMelbourne Institute, Australias Future Tax and Transfer Policy Conference(pp. 179-235). Taylor, G. Richardson, G. (2013). The determinants of thinly capitalised tax avoidance structures: Evidence from Australian firms. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 22(1).Pp.12-25. Tse, J. Krol, C. (2015). Tax transparency in Australia: Cutting through the BEPS noise.Taxation in Australia,50(2), p.80. Whiteford, P. (2010). The Australian Taxà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Transfer System: Architecture and Outcomes.Economic Record,86(275), pp.528-544. Pinto, D.and (2011). Australian Taxation Law Select: legislation and commentary. CCH Australia. Other capital expenses. (2016). [Online]. Available through[Accessed on 6th September 2016].
Friday, April 3, 2020
Godfather And Last Don Essays - The Last Don, English-language Films
Godfather And Last Don A Mafia Family's Use of Violence Violence can either be used as mean of attaining power or as means of revenge. It is a highly known fact that the main focus of a stereotypical Mafia family should centre around the use of violence. "The Godfather" as well as "The Last Don" are two novels which hold true to this focus and are interestingly enough both written by the same author: the late Mario Puzo. Although being written more than twenty-five years apart, the two novels almost mirror each other throughout. For instance, near the beginning of each book the only daughter of each family gets married. Aside from that we also see one son die in each novel as well as the husband of the family's only daughter to be killed by the family. Throughout all these instances the only thing dissimilar regarding the two Mafia families is their reasons for violence. A family's use of violence is determined by how much power they hold. In "The Godfather", the main purpose behind all killing and violence can be directly related to attaining power. On the other hand, "The Last Don" is a novel in which all cases of violence are used for the sole purpose of revenge. The killing of one of the sons in both novels by Puzo appears to be the most prominent deaths. The unfortunate son in "The Last Don", Sylvio, is a very caring and nurturing individual who wishes to have his younger sister, Rose, marry the man of her choice. Her first choice is the son of a rival Mafia boss. He is a part of the Santadio clan. For obvious business reasons Don Clericuzio does not wish his daughter to become involved with the rival son let alone have him become a part of his family. Therefore Don Clericuzio strictly forbids Rose's marriage to him. As a means of reconciling this difference Petie meets Rose's lover to seek the solution to their marriage. On the way home after making arrangements to persuade his father to let his sister marry, Petie is sideswiped in his sportscar by a member of the Santadios and gunned to death. The fact that the Clericuzio clan is the most powerful family in the world means that the killing of any Santadio would not be by any stretch for personal gain of wealth. The Don of each family lays the seeds for generations to come which helps explain the future killings in this book. It is Don Clericuzio who as an act of revenge plans the total wipeout of the Santadio family. He lets the wedding between his daughter and the Santadio's son proceed sending only his nephew Pippi to go as "representation" of the Clericuzios. All goes well at the wedding as Pippi dances among his foes. Rose and her new husband go to the wedding bed that night and only that night. In the middle of the night a band of the Clericuzios storm the Santadio mansion and kill all of their men. They wear masks to disguise themselves from Rose but it is to no avail as she notices Pippi's wedding shoes. In the end it is Pippi who kills Rose's husband but not before the seeds of life had been planted for Rose's child who was to be named Dante. Don Clericuzio had avenged the death of his son Sylvio. Unfortunately this was only the beginning of the chain of revenge. The after effects of the Santadio-Clericuzio war was laid to rest by all of the Clericuzios except for Rose who was deeply in love with her husband. The hurt was evident throughout as she shunned upon the presence of anybody but her dear son Dante. Rose ended up going mad and became a senile old woman by the time she was fourty years old. The Clericuzio family kept the war against the Santadios quiet throughout Dante's life as well as Cross' lifetime. The exception to this was when Dante's mother would often whisper the truth about it to him. For this Dante,"..dreamed of vengeance on Pippi, and though these were fantasies, he thought them for his mother's sake". (P.429) Cross was Pippi's son and was baptized at the same time as Dante. Dante returned the love that was shown by his mother and was obviously closer to her than any Clericuzio. At this point Dante is in his mid twenties and has become a cold-hearted hitman on behalf of the Clericuzio family. It is of no
Sunday, March 8, 2020
The o.c
The o.c The O.C., also known as Orange County, California, is an idyllic paradise - a wealthy, harbour-front community where everything and everyone appears to be perfect. But beneath the surface is a world of shifting loyalties and identities, of kids living secret lives hidden from their parents, and of parents living secret lives hidden from their children. The episode 'The lonely hearts club,' directed by Ian Toynton, tells the story of the Cohen, Cooper, and Nichol families, and Ryan Atwood, a troubled teen from the wrong side of the tracks, who is thrust into this world, and who will forever change the lives of the residents of The O.C.The O.C takes place around four central characters, Marissa Cooper, Ryan Atwood, Seth Cohen and summer Roberts as well as other minor characters such as the parents. From Ryan's first moments in Newport Beach, he found himself in conflict with the strict economic and social hierarchy that has existed for generations and doesn't tolerate any invasion from any outsiders.Marissa CooperIn the beginning, his very presence in Newport Beach threatened the security of its inhabitants and their way of life simply because this troubled teenager was unable and unwilling to conform. An example of this is when Ryan tries to reunite Lindsay with her estranged father but his bad boy nature and image gets in the way. We are positioned to see Ryan as the guy from the wrong side of the track as he lies in bed, pulling the blackest up close around him. This makes us see him as vulnerable and to see that pulling the blankets up gives him a sense of protection. His fish out of water status continues to set him apart from the rest as conflict occurs over his social standing. Although it took time...
Friday, February 21, 2020
Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 19
Questions - Assignment Example Additionally, networking provides skills for better communication. Communication skills are vital to every manager (Okome 2011). Social media is effective because of its necessity to employees and managers. Workers need to communicate with each other because of the current technology. Changes in technology have made it easy for workers to work in remote areas. With these changes, communication is important. This gives social media gives a positive review. There is simplicity in communication for employees and managers in different locations. Ideas can also be shared by different personnel is different locations. Conversely, social media networking channels can act as a distraction. Social media does not also give full information meaning that information can be misunderstood. Security is not guaranteed for any information passed through social media (Adler 2012). Research shows that technology has improved modes of communication. This is because companies have been able to operate in different locations. Organizations have set up virtual teams to operate in different locations using technology such as information communication technology to communicate with the headquarters. Technology makes communication effective resulting in the improvement of marketing of the organization’s products and services. The fact is virtual teams communicate easily with the headquarters (Earnhardt
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
One article analyses and make the Recommend marketing strategies to
One analyses and make the Recommend marketing strategies to the relevant cloths industry on your analysis of the chosen phenomenon - Article Example nds’ End were rated the best by the respondents primarily because these online retailers provided precise descriptions of the apparel and correct sizing information. Equally important in the superior ranking of these clothiers was the fact that they had an easy to browse, informative website. Majority of the respondents also felt that they got true value for money spent on online clothes-shopping. The survey also revealed the flip side of online clothes-shopping. There were major issues with size accuracy of the clothes, which impeded customers intending to buy clothes online. Returning clothes and costs associated thereon was considered a huge disadvantage by many respondents. 72 percent of the respondents complained about the lack of transparency in divulging shipping costs by online retailers. There were certain instances of billing mistakes and wrongly filled orders. In addition to these problems, consumers refrain from online shopping because of privacy concerns and issues regarding security of financial transactions. Some customers find online shopping very confusing (Colberg 2002). The analysis of the survey reveals that customers are not satisfied, among other things, with the process of exchange of goods purchased online. The online clothing retailers should make the process of returns trouble-free for the consumers. A straightforward and transparent policy regarding this aspect will provide a huge boost to their sales (Rosencrance 2000). Many consumers would be tempted by a generous returns policy that promises to exchange the item or simply return the item and take the refund of its purchase price. The retailers can provide the consumers prepaid U.S. Postal Service labels which are valid for a certain period of time. The customers can use these labels for returning the apparel with which they are not satisfied. This will make the process of returns simple and inexpensive for the unsatisfied customer. With an easy returns policy in place, customers
Monday, January 27, 2020
Methadone Pharmacology and Its Mechanism of Action
Methadone Pharmacology and Its Mechanism of Action Table of Contents (Jump to) 1. Goal 2. Aims and Objectives 3. Background 4. Methadone Pharmacology and Its Mechanism of Action 4.1 Methadone History Background 4.2 Benefits of Methadone 4.3 Deaths Involving Methadone 4.4 Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism of Methadone 4.4 Cytochrome P450 4.5 Cytochrome P450 Polymorphism and Adverse Drug Reactions 1. Goal Methadone is the most common and widely used drug for the opioid dependence in Ireland as in most of the countries in the E.U. Methadone treatment is undoubtedly effective however; the reports on methadone related mortalities have definitely stirred the public concern. The challenge for biotechnologists is to determine whether the application of pharmacogenomics can solve this dispute. The fact regarding any drug or opioid is that they affect different individuals in a different way. To solve this â€Å"Biological Puzzle†this case study links the role of methadone and CYP2D6 gene variations with the metaboliser status of individuals, which may serve as an adjunct in methadone related fatalities. CYP2D6 is a member of cytochrome P450 mixed oxidase system, which is involved in the metabolism of many toxicologically important drugs that commonly implicates in fatal poisoning. CYP2D6 gene is located on chromosome 22 and is highly polymorphic in nature. Single Nucleotide Polymorph ism (SNP) variation at the exon 4 position of the gene results in a single nucleotide change of G to A, which ensue in poor metabolism of the drug. This variation is amongst 5 to 10% of the Caucasian population. 2. Aims and Objectives The specific aims of this report are as follows: Describe the methadone pharmacology and its mechanism of action, which will include the pharmacokinetics and the pharmacodynamics of the drug. The role of cytochrome P450 in the metabolism of methadone. The focus will be on the genetic polymorphism and the adverse drug reaction. This research will further investigate on methadone’s safety profile and mortalities associated with the drug. 3. Background Methadone is a synthetic opioid, invented during the Second World War (White Torres, 2010). The first chemical synthesis of the drug was in 1939 at the pharmaceutical laboratories of I.G. Farbenkonzern, Germany. Methadone was introduced to the market during 1960’s and since then it is one of the most valued drug which has proved its effectiveness from the prevention of abstinence syndrome that occurs after rapid interruption of continuous opioid administration (Zweben Payte, 1990; Dole Nyswander, 1965). Methadone is also one of the most common medications administered for the treatment of heroin addiction, however; there are many fatal poisonings reported over the years (Bunten et al 2010). Methadone is a liposoluble basic drug, often administered orally as a racemic mixture of two enantiomers i.e. R-Met and S-Met (Garrido Troconiz, 2000). It has a long plasma elimination half-life that lies between 13 and 55 hours and a high bioavailability of 70% 90% when administered orally (Moffet et al, 2004). It is extensively metabolised in liver and is converted into its primary metabolite which is 2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine (EDDP) (Crettol, Monnat Eap, 2007) and 2-ethyl-5-methyl-3,3-diphenyl-1-pyrroline (EMDP) (Lugo et al, 2005). Blood methadone concentration in drug tolerant individuals reaches >0.84 mg/l, whereas in cases of fatality or poisoning concentrations typically range from 0.4 mg/l to 1.8 mg/l. Fatalities have also been reported with concentrations as low as 0.05 mg/l which is significantly lower than the average concentration in blood (Caplehorn, Drummer Fatal, 2002). Studies suggests that the largest patient associated deaths are during t he drug induction phase, when either individual drug tolerance is overestimated or the presence of other drugs are also found in the system (Bunten et al 2010; CSAT, 2004). The revolutions in the molecular techniques in postgenomic era provide us a significant platform for the diagnostics and clinical purposes. Pharmacogenomics is the study of the impact of heritable traits on pharmacology and toxicology that acts as bridge to certify opioid fatalities (Wong et al 2002). The significant inter-individual variation in blood methadone concentrations and individual susceptibility to methadone toxicity might be explained through genetic variations of the genes encoding the drug metabolism enzymes. Pharmacogenomics acts as the linkage between an individual’s genotype and individual’s ability to metabolise a foreign compound (Linder, Prough Valdes 1997). Most xenobiotics, including therapeutic drugs, are metabolised by cytochromes P450 to some extent (Guengerich, 2006). The metabolism of these drugs results in detoxification and elimination of drug or activation of the prodrug to its biologically active form. Cytochrome P450 (CYP450) shows a wide interindividual variation in their protein expression and/or catalytic activity, which results in unique drug metabolism (Jannetto et al 2002). Among the P450 subfamilies, CYP2D6 plays a critical role in determining the response to several drug groups/families (Sadee 1999). CYP2D6 gene encodes a member of the cytochrome P450 superfamily of enzymes. The cytochrome P450 proteins are mono-oxygenases, consisting of more than 30 enzymes (Schur et al 2001) which catalyze many reactions involved in drug metabolism. This protein localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum and is known to metabolise as many as 20% of commonly prescribed drugs. CYP2D6 gene substrates include debrisoquine (Wennerholm et al, 1999) an adrenergic-blocking drug; sparteine and propafenone, both anti-arrythmic drugs; and amitryptiline, an anti-depressant. CYP2D6 gene is highly polymorphic in population (Neafsey et al, 2009); certain alleles result in the poor metaboliser phenotype, characterized by a decreased ability to metabolise the enzymes substrates. The polymorphism is due to multiple mutations of the gene, which result in absent, functionally deficient, under-expressed or over-expressed protein (Shiran et al, 2003). The gene is located near two cytochrome P450 pseudogenes on chromosome 22q13.1 (Gouch et al, 1993). Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene (Toscano et al, 2006). CYP2D6 is a polypeptide of 497 amino acids that accounts for only small a percentage of all hepatic P450s but its role in drug metabolism is extensively higher than its relative content (Zanger et al, 2010). 4. Methadone Pharmacology and Its Mechanism of Action 4.1Methadone History Background Methadone was introduced to the market in 1960’s (Serban, 2011; Liebrenz et al, 2010). The drug was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1947 as an analgesic; by 1950 it was used for the treatment of painful symptoms from heroin withdrawal and other opioids (SAMSHA, 2004). In 1964, researchers discovered that continuous, daily maintenance doses of oral methadone allowed opioid-addicted patients to function more normally in the process of their recovery (Payte, 1991; Zweben and Payte, 1990; Dole, 1988; Gearing and Schweitzer, 1974). Fig: 2 Methadone Chemical Structure Methadone in the modern medicine is used both as an analgesic for severe pain relief as well as in the treatment of opioid dependence (Rowley, 2011; Potter, 2010). Many scientific articles reviewed methadone to be the currently preferred drug of choice for the treatment of opioid dependence in many countries, including the U.K. (Nosyk et al, 2010; Verster and Buning, 2000). Fredheim et al, (2008) in their review reported that currently, methadone has had a renaissance in the treatment of pain because it has proven its usefulness as a second line drug in opioid switching when other opioids fail to show their effectiveness. Methadone has also been found to be the valued medication for its effectiveness in reducing the number of deaths associated with opioid addiction as well as various medical and behavioural prevalence of diseases associated with addictive disorders (Maxwell, Pullum Tannert 2005; Sheilds et al. 2007). However, the news headlines of many prominent newspapers including the New York Times and the Washington Times, in 2002 and 2003 hyped its publicity by reporting the opioid medications were the major cause of deaths in drug abuse treatment (Belluck, 2003a, 2003b, 2003c; Associated Press, 2002; Washington Times, 2003). New York Times even mentioned methadone as a â€Å"Killer Drug†which is widely abused and dangerous (Washington Times, 2003). After these issues it was decided by the U.N. to put methadone in the class of controlled drug. Methadone was declared in a controlled drug category by the United Nations convention and placed under the controlled substances (â€Å"narcotics†) by the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 (Single Convention) (Bosnjak et al,2011). However, it can only be prescribed in the UK, as in most countries, by prescription till present (Verster Buning, 2000; CSAT 200b). 4.2 Benefits of Methadone Methadone is one of the most preferred drugs not only in Ireland but also across several continents around the globe. In the report published by European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addition (EMCDDA), there is a seven fold increase in the opioid treatment between 19993 -2000. The drug is widely recognised amongst doctors and patients due to its several socio-economic reasons. It is observed that there is a significant decrease in the crime graph and a noticeable increase in the employment services amongst the patients undergoing methadone maintenance treatment. No doubt, there is a reduction in illicit drug use by the opiate users and increase in social integration is one of the benefits of methadone. In addition, methadone also helps in reducing morbidity and mortality among opiate users. 4.3 Deaths Involving Methadone Methadone is a highly potent drug for the treatment of opioid dependence and acts as an analgesic for second line management of chronic pain. However, increase in mortality due to methadone administration has instigated controversies regarding the drug use (Lowe, Brooks Petry, 2010; Bunten et al 2010). Law enforcement agencies in the United States (U.S.) and the Drug abuse Warning Network (DAWN) ranked methadone as the third most apprehended analgesic used in the treatment of pain management, fourth among all controlled pharmaceuticals, and eighth among all controlled substances (Fig:2.1.1) (SAMSHA, 2007). Various researches conducted amongst patients undergoing addiction treatment shows that the majority of methadone related deaths occur during the drug induction phase. Post-mortem sample predicts either an overestimation of the drug or combined usage of various other central nervous system (CNS) depressant in addition to the prescribed methadone (Bunten et al, 2010; Lowe, Johnson Petry, 2007). Fig: Methadone as the third most apprehended analgesic, fourth among all controlled pharmaceuticals, and eighth among all controlled substances (SAMASHA, 2007) The side effects associated with methadone overdose includes nausea, vomiting, dizziness, clouding of consciousness and pruritus (itching) (Davis Walsh, 2001). However, the primary toxic effect of excessive methadone is respiratory depression and hypoxia, sometimes accompanied by pulmonary edema and/or aspiration pneumonia (White and Irvine, 1999; Harding-Pink, 1993). Methadone related deaths during later phases of the additiction treatment mainly signify the presence of other illicit drugs. Researchers generally use the term â€Å"poison cocktail†describing the fatality due to intake of multiple psychotropic drugs (Borron, et al., 2001) such as alcohol, benzodiazepines, and other opioids. Several opioids when used or prescribed alone are relatively moderate respiratory depressants; however, when combined with methadone, their additive or synergistic effects can be lethal (Kramer, 2003; Payte and Zweben, 1998). Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program a subsidiary of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confirms 1,114 cases of methadone-associated fatalities in adults from 1970 through 2002. Critically, a greater number of deaths were reported in 2001 alone than during the entire period from1990 through 1999; the number doubled itself in 2002. In the U.K. 225 individuals died whilst undergoing methadone treatment in 1993. In 1997, data confirms 449 deaths due to the same cause. However, the mortality graph went down in 2001 by reporting 279 deaths caused by methadone but in 2002, it again rose to 316. Therefore, we can conclude that there is no regular trend in methadone related deaths. However, Corkery et al (2004), mentions that it is always not necessary for methadone to be the cause of death even according to the death certificate of the individuals. In an individual study, methadone was detected in the post-mortem blood of 352 unexplained sudden deaths in Scotland between 1 991 and 2001. 23 % of these deaths were not directly linked with methadone. However, there were other drugs and/or alcohol found in the blood sample of the individuals. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (CSAT) in 2004 states that all methadone related poisoning eventually leads to cardio-toxicity and respiratory depression. Methadone deaths expressed as Percent of all poisoning deaths (CSAT, 2007). United States Poison Control Centres states that the overall number of opioid-related deaths has been on the rise, with many cases involving other opioids that include oxycodone and hydrocodone (Litovitz, et al., 2002; Florida Department of Law Enforcement, 2002) 4.4 Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism of Methadone Methadone is a liposoluble basic drug with a pKa of 9.2 and is usually administered orally as a recemic mixture of two enantiomers: R-methadone (R-Met) and S-methadone (S-Met) (Fig.2.2) (Trescot, 2010). The plasma half-life of the drug is highly variable and is between 13 and 55 hours but it is usually assumed to be an average of 25 hours (Letsky et al, 2011; Albion et al, 2010; Wolff et al, 2002). The bioavailability is 70% to 90% when administered orally (Bunten et al, 2010; Lowe, Brooks Petry, 2010). Studies indicate that in drug naive individuals, a single dose of methadone can show its clinical effects up to 72 hours in duration (Olsen et al, 1997). However, the peak plasma concentration reaches in 2 to 4 hours. The analgesic effect of the drug sets in about 15 minute after the subcutaneous injection (Eap et al, 2002). The chemical structure of r-(-)-methadone and s-(+)-methadone (asterisk (*) denotes chiral centre). There is a wide distribution of methadone amongst tissues, which generally range from 60 to 90%. As a result, the drug shows slow elimination and cumulative effect. Methadone is mostly metabolised in liver. The primary metabolite of the drug is 2-ethylidene-1, 5- dimethyl-3, 3-diphenylpyrrolidine (EDDP) (Fig) (Bunten et al, 2010) and to some extent 3, 3-diphenyl-1-pyrroline (EMDP) (Corkery et al, 2004). However, both of these metabolites are inactive and elimination of these inactive metabolies is through urine and faeces. Anggard and Inturrisi et al. (1975) (1990) mentioned that as a result of the basic (pKa =9.2) and lipophylic properties, methadone undergoes a hepatic metabolism and renal excretion. Fig: 4 Metabolic Conversion of Methadone to EDDP 4.4 Cytochrome P450 Cytochrome P450 (P450) is a large superfamily of enzymes. The origin of P450’s superfamily is since prokaryotes much before the existence of eukaryotes (Omura, 2010). The gene P450, commonly known as â€Å"CYP†is present in the genomes of virtually all organisms. Moreover, studies suggest that heme proteins are the building blocks of CYP450 enzymes. These enzymes play a crucial role in the metabolism of the various xenobiotics, steroids and other chemicals. Most of the drugs and chemicals are lipophilic to become more water soluble before excretion. Therefore, P450 superfamily of hemoproteins serves as terminal oxidases of the mixed function oxidase system (Wrighton and Stevens, 1992). The heme prosthetic group binds oxygen after electron transfer reactions from the reduced form of 24 nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH). This reaction incorporates a single atom of molecular oxygen into a substrate with the concomitant reduction of the other atom to wate r (Synder, 2000; Omura, 1999). In cytochrome P450, ‘P’ denotes the pigment and the number ‘450’ is the spectral properties for the absorption band at 450 nm of the reduced CO-bound complex (Benhardt, 2006; Reichhart Feyereisen, 2000). However, according to the nomenclature society, the term â€Å"CYP†is followed by number of families which are generally group of proteins with more than 40% amino-acid sequence identity, a letter for subfamilies and a number for the gene e.g. – CYP2D6. Studies indicate that P450 superfamily is highly diverse (Mathew, 2010). Diversity of P450’s is mainly due to the extensive process of gene duplications. However, gene amplifications, conversions, genome duplications, gene loss, and lateral transfers are certain scenarios that are less documented. 4.5 Cytochrome P450 Polymorphism and Adverse Drug Reactions Drugs affect different individuals in a different way. Genetic variations, which affect the response of the drug metabolism, can be of the most probable reasons (Mayer Zanger, 1997). Johansson Sunderberg (2010) also reported that the difference in drug metabolism among individuals might be due to several factors e.g. epigenetic, pathophysiological, or it might be due to some environmental factors. In a population, genetic polymorphism is divided according to individual ability to perform drug transformation reaction (Srivastava, 2003). Moreover, polymorphic trait is also noticed due to certain mutation in the genes and/or a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) which results in the enzyme variation and leads towards higher or lower activity. As a result, there is a partial or complete absence of an enzyme protein in the system. (FIG:) Fig: Polymorphism of Drug Metabolism Enzymes (Evans Relling, 1999). As we can see from the above figure that the genetic polymorphism applies for a wide range of drugs and xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes. Identification of these variations were by the occurrence of adverse reactions after normal doses of drugs in patients or volunteers. In adverse drug reactions, drug-drug interactions have its key role. In fact, adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are one of the major causes of death which is reported in many scientific articles, reviews and even government scripts. According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMSHA) (2007), there is a record of approximately 100,000 deaths in the United States due to drug toxicity. In addition, Eichelbaum et al., (2006) stated that ADRs is also responsible for up to 7% of hospitalizations and the number has increased to > 30% in the elderly population (> 70 years of age) (Paul et al., 2008). ADRs mainly affect cardiac function or cause liver toxicity (Need et al., 2005). The CYP families metabolises approximately, 75% of all clinically used drugs (Bertz and Granneman, 1997; Evans and Relling, 1999).The human genome contains 115 CYP genes, out of which 57 are found to be functional and the rest are reported as pseudogenes (Johansson Sundberg, 2010; Wang et al,2003). Among CYP families, there are 22 different P450 isoforms, which shows a high degree of polymorphism. Therefore, we can divide the polymorphic xenobiotic metabolizing CYP enzymes into two classes according to their interindividual susceptibility for xenobiotics: Class I: Composed of CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP2E1, and CYP3A4 without important functional polymorphism and active in metabolism of drugs. Class II: Composed of CYP2A6, CYP2B6, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and CYP2D6, which are highly polymorphic and are important for the metabolism of drugs.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Understanding The Yellow Wallpaper -- Yellow Wallpaper essays
Understanding The Yellow Wallpaper    There are more reported cases of clinical depression in women than their are in men. There is also, generalized in western cultures, a stereotype that women are fragile and should be more dedicated to maintaining the home, doing feminine things, that they shouldn't work, and be discouraged from intellectual thinking. In the Victorian period (1837-1901) aside from women's suffragette movements the Victorian woman usually upheld this stereotype of a well behaved wife, more or less a possession then an individual. However, there were a few who defied the odds and took it to heart to let the world know about the indifference's that they went through. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, feminist, was one of these women who used her writing to express the differences and hardships women went through. One of her more famous works, the Yellow Wallpaper, is known as both a feminist piece and a depiction of Victorian life and indifferences for women. It is a piece that can have controversial me anings that can be taken to heart to why Gilman ever wrote it.  "The Yellow Wallpaper" has a simple enough story, the woman is taken to a rented house to recover from a nervous depression that she was experiencing. The depression was something common in women of the time, especially in more upper class women with little to do. The antidote " the cure" was developed by a Weir Mitchell, for psychoneurosies, in theory a women should inhibit herself from any kind of work or thinking and to get as much fresh air as possible. The heroine is subjected to this cure. Having been confined to a room in the house she starts imagining things in the wallpaper that she hates so much. However, as the story progresses it i... to show that kind of diversity. She probably wanted a release, to share her life, to get back at the Wier Cure, to show the injustice brought to women of the period and to probably just be creative. In finding reviews and biographies on Gilman one does not find too many bad words written on her. She is held as a very prestigious writer. As for the yellow wallpaper it really expands the minds and makes one have to sit back and analyze what was really going on.  Works Cited  Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. Why I Wrote "The Yellow Wallpaper"? daniel/amlit/wallpaper/Whywrote.html  Korb, Rena. An Overview of "The Yellow Wallpgper," in Exploring Short Stories Literature Resource Center. Gale Research, 1998.  Stone, Les. Charlotte (Anna) Perkins (Stetson) Gilman. Contemporary A uthors Online. The Gale Group, 2000.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
A business plan in transportation industry Essay
This demonstrates of a business plan in cargo and parcel transportation. This type of the business requires a lot of capital to venture into it. Firstly, transportation machinery such as motor vehicles, motorcycles, trains, aeroplanes and other equipment for transport are expensive to acquire. The business is client based. By client based, it means that, the business depends entirely on clients as customers for its survival. It is a great challenge to get clients for a new business. People would prefer to transport through people whom they have worked before with, and created a confidence on them that they are trusted people. The goal of the business is to ensure efficient, effective and customer satisfaction in transportation of client’s goods. Beginning a new business is faced by several challenges. It would require a rather market research before kicking off the business. Marketing research would mean employing professional in marketing to help the business venture strategi cally in the market. Employing professional in marketing to conduct a research is expensive for a business especially in its onset, hence, a great challenge to the start of the business (Barnhart, 119). Transportation of parcels and cargos is a business that cannot fail to take place at whatever cost it might mean. People will always keep on exchanging parcels, individuals and firms will always transact in cargos. The business of goods transportation will always be there as long as the world and people exist. The biggest challenge to this new business is how to get clients and source of the capital to start the business. In obtaining customers for this business, a rather marketing will be entailed. Such marketing may be contacted through advertising in television channels, personal approaches to different firms and holding business talks, billboard advertisement in city centres and all other related such marketing techniques. Not every other business would survive without suppliers. A business needs suppliers for its stock, equipment or machinery. Most, a company based on transportation and logistics would need a group of suppliers for it to survive. For an easy venture in the marke t, a business may opt to collaborate with another established business, to win a large market within a short time. In addition, collaborating with another business that latter business act, as complement to what it offers would mean strategic kick off a business. The business under discussion focuses on merging with one of the airlines company in the city to market itself. In the market there are several business offering the same services. These are actually the real to competitors to the business (Abrams, 18). There will always be competitors to a business; competitors may either be direct or indirect competitors. Direct competitors are those that offer same services and goods to those that another business is offering. On the other hand, indirect competitors are the ones that offer substitute products to those that another business is offering. The company will be well structure to counter with the competitors offering the same services in the market. Amongst the measures at hand to deal with competition are, relatively lower charges. This would help to attract more clients to the company. Increased clients means increased customers hence, increased output of this business. Relatively lower charges, is another strategy that will help to reduce the payback period or time of our business project. It is very essential for a business to have an environment that is conducive for its success. By engagement into corporate social responsibilities, the business will not ensure a health social environment for itself, but also act as way of promoting itself. Through involvement in corporate social responsibilities, the business creates a good shape to the people. It is also a way of publicizing a business. Both political and social environment ought to be maintained by the company. Our company will have at hand all proper and valid documentation for its legality. By having a business vision and mission, it will create a source of inspiration and centre of focus both to the employees and the shareholders to the company. The strategy to ensuring the business is a success is clear enough. Due to wise selection of the business to collaborate with, it will be easy for the business to start at high gear. Firstly, there is a ready market for to transport, this is because we are collaborating with an airline firm. Our company will execute all the transactions involving transport by the particular airline. We also need to have strategic location of our offices. All offices to the company are found within the city centre. This means that they are highly accessible to the customers. Simple and clear terms of the contract with the client will also quicken the conduct of the transactions of the company. These just but some of the strategies put in place to ensure that the company will be successful in its endeavours. Good and clear communication is another major element for a success of every business. Communication within the company shall be made as simple and clear as much as possible. Delegation of duties f rom directors to the casual worker will create a good leadership within the organization. Through delegation, a strong teamwork and network of employees will be maintained in the organization. This will ensure that the organization maintains good and clear communication skills. Good communication improves employees productivity, hence an increase in the general output of the company. It would be a great challenge of to get capital to start the business. The company has therefore to portray a good strategy for it to attract people to be shareholders or financiers. A good business plan can also be used to attract a capital borrowing in some government agencies that lend out finances to motivate entrepreneurship. The business strategy is clear and comprehensive enough to stand a chance to win capital borrowing from any investment bank or government policy. This is a strategy of selling the company’s idea to the potential investors (Karin, 313). In conclusion, people share so much in common, yet are so magnificently different. They think differently; they have different and sometimes competing values, motivations and objectives. It’s therefore very important to study the nature of the individuals so as to live peacefully with them to avoid confrontations with them. This same case applies to all business ventures. A business ought to conduct a viable market research before kicking off. Good market research would help a business recognise its strength and weaknesses. It will increase on strengths and try to minimise on the weakness, through this, a strong business idea would be realize that could see any business venture a success. References Abrams, Rhonda M. The Successful Business Plan: Secrets & Strategies. Palto Alto, Calif: Planning Shop, 2003. Print. Barnhart, Cynthia, and Gilbert Laporte. Transportation. Amsterdam: North Holland, 2007. Print. Jo?eveer, Karin. Sources of Capital Structure: Evidence from Transition Countries. Tallinn: Eesti Pank, 2006. Print. Source document
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Lit Of Western World - 1588 Words
Charles Taylor III Professor Travers Lit of Western World I November 24, 2015 Utopia Imagine a perfect world where no one has to work and where there is an abundant supply of resources. All the worlds’ goods are divided among all the people and the government takes care of everyone. All people are equal and can do whatever they please inside this perfect world. This perfect world is called Utopia. An island shaped like crescent moon two hundred miles across. The ends of the island meet at a point about eleven miles apart opening up to a calm bay. The entrance into Utopia has to two sides one side is a harbor where ships pass through in every direction to get in and out of Utopia. The other side is rocky and shallow. In the middle of the†¦show more content†¦The project Utopia was completely very fact because there were so many hands helping. A strange belief system had appeared among the people of Utopian. They believed that their new island that they created could be a perfect little society. The characteristics of this society include the following : Nobody has to work, unless he or she wanted to. There is an abundant supply of everything. There is no money, and everything is free, or all money is divided evenly among all people. All goods are divided equally among all people. People have as much time to pursue studies and arts as they want. Government would spend so much that the economy would run off the government spending. The Government would take care of everybody. All the people would be exactly equal. They would also have the privilege to do whatever they want to do. All religions have to be abolished. A perfect world like the one described cannot be reached by the Utopian people. There are several reasons why the Utopian people believe that this Utopian society can be reached. Many of them used the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations as examples of this, based upon what they have read in ancient literature, plays, and books on ancient culture. What the sources leave out is that all of the work was done by slaves. They believed that government spending would create wealth. They wanted the government to spend as much as it could, so there would be plenty of wealth to go around. They do not understand
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